Member since Nov 2021 • Last active Jun 2022Most recent activity
I found an issue when uploading code to MDBT42Q. I used the espruino web ide, the device has the firmware version number 2.11.
| |_ ___ ___ _ ||___ ___
| |_ -| . | _| | | | | . |
||_| || |_|||_|_||_| espruino.com
2v11 (c) 2021 G.Williams
Espruino is Open Source. Our work is supported
only by sales of official boards and donations:
http://espruino.com/DonateI've upload the code (attached here) to flash memory, to maintain it after power off. After sucessfully code upload the device sends me this message:
| |_ ___ ___ _ ||___ ___
| |_ -| . | _| | | | | . |
||_| || |_|||_|_||_| espruino.com
2v11 (c) 2021 G.Williams
Espruino is Open Source. Our work is supported
only by sales of official boards and donations:
http://espruino.com/DonateUncaught Error: Unable to find or create file
at line 1 col 1144
...;\n setupFan();\n}",0,1967);^
Uncaught Error: Unable to find or create file
at line 2 col 1031
...------\");\n}, 1000);",1024);Few minutes later the espruino seems to restart itself disconnecting the bluetooth conection from the laptop.
The most curious part is that if I copy and paste the source code directly to the terminal on the same Espruino web ide, it works perfectly.
I would like some help to understand the cause of this behaviour.
Thank you,
As part of my research I seen this part of code, so I was confident that the indications will work. The problem appeared when I needed to communicate with the above mentioned device(Xiaomi Mi Scale 2).
The characteristic that I need to use has only set as true the indicate parameter. I've written some code to subscribe using the startNotifications() function, the problem is that I only received one packet of data, after that it seems that the device get stuck as is waiting for the ACK packet necesary to finish the indication reading procedure.
I will try to create using 2 espruino devices an example to do it more reproducible without buying a Scale.
Thank you for your fast response.
I have a Xiaomi MI Scale 2 and I want to read the weight using an MDBT42Q using it's BLE. I've found the protocol defined here: https://github.com/oliexdev/openScale/wiki/Xiaomi-Bluetooth-Mi-Scale
For reading the weight I need to subscribe to the 00002a9d-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb Gatt Characteristic. This characteristic enables me to subcribe to it using indications (not notifications).
I wolud like to know if it's posible to subscribe to indications in a similar way that is used for notifications (startNotifications function).
Thank you in advance.
I've changed the minification parameters but the issue still been happening.
I will try your last suggest today.