Avatar for IdleShands


Member since Nov 2021 • Last active Nov 2021
  • 1 conversations

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  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for IdleShands

    Hi Gordon,

    I can speak for myself at least on that, I had some confusion originally with how long to hold the button to reboot the device. I think I held it for too long because I got to the "Dev boot" progress bar thing, and then the device refused to boot back into "watch mode" (presumably because it was waiting in developer mode for a connection). I kept messing with it and eventually figured out that releasing the button as soon as the screen changed was the proper way to reboot it.

    I'm fairly certain that after I did all that, the clock had reset back to the default value, but it has retained the configured time since then.

    I'm incredibly thankful for all the work you've done, and I see the large list of issues in github, so I just want to share my appreciation for now, and I can't wait for things to settle down for you!

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for IdleShands

    Agreed, it's a cool looking clock face, glad to hear it's going to continue to gain features!

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for IdleShands

    Awesome, thanks for the responses! I'll make sure to check out the open issues in the future, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything :)

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for IdleShands

    All clocks on my BangleJS 2 use 24 hour time, regardless of whether I select 12h or 24h setting in the locale setting.

    Additionally, is the "Time Zone" setting just a way to quickly offset the watch when you change timezones? I don't see any reason to actually set this to my UTC offset, since I'm just setting the time manually anyway?
