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This could help too: HomeAssistant exposes an api such that its easy for other apps or widgets to send custom triggers to home assistant:
. So in your widget you could easily check if its charging and above a certain level and send a trigger to stop charging (I currently use mystrom in HA) -
Regarding the hanging tapping bug -- I guess its due to my lock heuristic where I try to prevent taps whenever the previous info was not shown yet -- otherwise it can happen that e.g. alt. is drawn above the next info...
I will also work on this and refactoring into a module will fix both, AI and BW.
Thanks for your reports it really helps a lot to improve it and I really like to maintain and improve my clocks :D
BW clock writes settings when you exit the clock, but when it hangs there and you exit it will try to start there again... I will look into this when I have time, unfortunately I'm a bit busy right now :/
I will also try to refactor this interaction into the module such that it can be used by BW and AI clock :)
Thanks a lot!
And sure, if it happens again or if I'm able to reproduce it I will let you know :)qmsched
is not installed on my Bangle -- this is the list of apps that I have on my Bangle in case it helps:health, widlock, linuxclock, lcars, agpsdata, swp2clk, ptlaunch, bwclk, weather, hrm, ha, sched, smpltmr, info, agenda, widminbt, widbata, widChargingStatus, pebble, android, neonx, 93dub, scicalc, spotrem, kbmulti, messages, aiclock, antonclk, widmsggrid, boot, slopeclock, launch, setting, widpa
Oh wow it definitely feels much faster now and I love your new slopeclock! Looks really really great and the animation is really smooth :D
Nevertheless, I think I found one little issue -- but I'm not 100% sure if its the settings app or the firmware update: I can no more open the LCD settings -- I already tried to re-write the settings, I tried an older settings version (0.49) and I removed the setting.json file completely, but I always get the following error (read via Web IDE):
Uncaught Error: Cannot read property 'wakeOnBTN1' of undefined at line 29 col 630 in ...N1':{value:settings.options.wakeOnBTN1,format:boolFormat,onc... ^ in function "showLCDMenu" called from line 14 col 127 in showLCDMenu() ^ in function "b" called from line 1 col 79 ...if("function"==typeof b)b(l);else if("object"==typeof b)if("... ^ in function "select" called from line 1 col 52 c.y<a.y-4||(b=k(c.y),(0>f||0<=b)&&b<d.c&& ^ in function "p" called from line 1 col 17 d.handled||p(a,d) ^ in function called from system
Update1: I also downloaded the setting.json file if it helps as it seems that some props are missing in my settings.json file.
Update2: If I manually upload the "settings.min.js" file from the setting github repo everything works fine again. So not sure if only my Bangle was corrupted but I found it a bit strange that rewrite settings did not help... -