Avatar for TeF


Member since Sep 2021 • Last active Sep 2021
  • 1 conversations

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  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for TeF

    Simple, somewhat embarrassing solution: update the welcome app.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for TeF

    I never used the app loader. Just in case I missed something, I connected it right now and under "my Apps" it only shows the 9 default apps I expected (Bootlader, Morphing Clock, About,.., Bluetooth Widget).
    Also the "About App" running on the bangle shows me, that nearly the whole memory is free.

    Yes sure: https://youtu.be/uHJGsSaU6Zo?t=63

    It doesnt ask me for the scope I wish. Maybe the iOS app is not analyzing the .zip anymore (or the feature is only available on the android version in the first place) or there is something wrong with my download. Everythin else seems to be just the same like in the tutorials, thats why I mentioned it.

    edit: I used a the android app to flash again. Now I could choose the scope, but the problem still remains, so that just was a silly distraction. Sorry :/

    I'll use the mentioned settings in the app loader and than try to downgrade the firmware.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for TeF

    I worked on little programs for the bangle.js and really like it so far! Nice I work normally with the nRF52 microcontrollers I wanted to reuse some C-Code from there.
    Before flashing the firmware with my changes, I tried out a official build.

    After flashing, starting the welcome app (I didn't installed any other apps on the watch), this error is shown:

    ERROR: Ctrl-C while processing interval 
    Execution interrupts during event proce
    Interpreter error: [ EMORY, MEMORY
      "LOW MEMORY",
    New interpreter error: CALLBACK, LOW_MEMO
    Execution Interrupted during event proce
    Interpreter error: [ '', MEMORY
      "LOW MEMORY",
    New interpreter error:  LOW_MEMORY, MEMORY

    It goes on like that when I press the BTN1 and soon there is just a colored rectangle.
    Resetting and reflashing (with both apps) didnt help.

    Does somebody know this error and can tell me what I did wrong? (and how to fix it)

    I was wondering: The apps didn't hat an option to choose what file / which parts of the build should be flashed (unlike in the tutorial video). Maybe that's a hint?

    Thank you very much for every help or idea hoping to continue my programming soon :)

    Best Regards,

    platform: bangle.js
    build: espruino_2v10_banglejs
    phone: iOS 14.7
    app: nPF Toolbox and nRF Connect
    video I mentioned: http://www.espruino.com/Bangle.js#firmwa­re-updates
