Avatar for Weiming


Member since Mar 2021 • Last active Feb 2022
  • 2 conversations

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  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Weiming

    However if you're writing this as an app you could just momentarily disconnect from your phone by calling NRF.disconnect()

    It would be nice to somehow reconnect to the previous device if the watch has a BLE connection before the advertisement. Do you have any references on how to do that? Thanks.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Weiming

    Could you explain 0x2A56? It looks like a service ID but I couldn't find any reference for this number particularly. Am I using the correct manual?

    By the way, the device name showing up in my Homeassistant has digital in the name. But I don't understand where you change that/specify that?

    Thank you

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Weiming

    Awesome! I got it got working with my Bangle.js watch! Things are actually easier than I expected. Thank you very much.

    I plan to prototype a small app so that I can actually run it on my watch! Will report back.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Weiming

    It looks great. What about when the bangle is connected, e.g. with my phone via gadgetbridge? Will the messages only be sent to my phone rather than broadcasted? Thanks.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Weiming

    Hi @Gordon. I just realize that to pursue the Bangle.js->ESP32->EspHome->Home Assistant path, I actually need an ESP board. Correct? I'm a beginner on ESP projects. Do you have any suggestions for where I can start? e.g. are there any starter's kit? Thank you!

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Weiming

    Thank you! I think it makes sense to me now. I will need to get my hand dirty before I report back.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Weiming

    This is interesting. Honestly, I just started JS so I really appreciate your clear explanation. I will try to read more about JS and let's see what I can do. Thank you.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Weiming

    Sounds like a good idea with the E.getSizeOf. I'm still reading manuals and learning. Let me see what I can do with it.

    When you say "things are interlinked" and "separating everything is painful", do you mean that the memory used by a widget might not be continuous? So that it is hard to follow all links/pointers internally?

    Thank you
