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Member since Aug 2020 • Last active Aug 2020
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    Thank you!

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    Great, thanks for the help!

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    Hey everyone! First post here for me. I could use some help. :)

    I just flashed my BBC micro:bit with espruino_2v06_microbit.hex (the latest "stable"), then connected in the web IDE via Bluetooth. (I'm coding on a Macbook Air, Catalina, in Chrome 84.0.4147.105.) So far so good. But when I run the even the simplest line of code, like this...


    ...I get the following error in the Espruino console:

    Uncaught ReferenceError: "LED1" is not defined

    When I refresh the web IDE and look in the Espruino console, I see this error:

    Uncaught InternalError: I2C Write Error 33281

    So I'm assuming that LED1 isn't defined because some earlier I2C error is breaking things. Any ideas for what might be going on? I also tried the "cutting edge" hex and got the same results.

    Probably unrelated, but in the Chrome JS console, I get this error when the IDE loads up:

    settingsConsole.js:40 serial_frame: getPorts timeout, disabling

    I hope I can make Espruino work on the micro:bit. Looks like a really great platform. Thanks for any advice you have.

    So, it turns out that the LED1 variable just isn't set, but other commands are working fine so far. Like the show() command and the example on the micro:bit page about buttons. So... I think it was a false alarm.

    It would be nice to report the i2C write error bug and add a feature request that the IDE should load with an example that works on the Micro:bit. I will now look for how to report those... Thanks!
