Avatar for jumpbucker


Member since Mar 2020 • Last active Mar 2021
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  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for jumpbucker

    @ConorONeill thanks, you are right - just enough force did it!

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for jumpbucker

    Having read the updates about the missing piezo speaker, I was not surprised about my Bangle not beeping, and didn't care much either. However I opened the watch to fix a sticking out part of the rubber seal - and now the piezo is coming to life! Though I did really nothing to the internals of the watch.
    So it might also be the case for you that a missing beep does not necessarily mean the piezo isn't there - maybe it is just not properly installed.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for jumpbucker

    I'd like to remove the watch band in order to open the clock. Did anyone figure out how to do that? The little bar which fastens the band to the watch doesn't move at all when I try to push it out with a small screwdriver..
