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I have a similar problem on the Bangle.js 2:
I am creating a special countdown app fot football referees. So the button has to start / stop the stopwatch. But right now I have to press the button twice (wake up the watch and then start the clock). Can this be done in one step? Or what would be best practice in this case?
As the topic: in LCD-Mode 'doublebuffered' the widget bar at the top turns on and off, every time any button is pressed. Why the menu doesn't fill the whole screen? Is there a solution or workaround?
Minimum example:
Bangle.setLCDMode("doublebuffered"); Bangle.loadWidgets(); let menu = { "": { title: '--- DUMMY ---' }, "Foo": 'Bar', "Exit": function() { E.showMenu(); } }; setWatch(function() { E.showMenu(menu); }, BTN2, { repeat: true, edge: 'rising'}); Bangle.drawWidgets(); g.clear(); g.flip(); E.showMenu(menu);
Hi @Gordon. Happy new year and thank you for the hints. Didn't know about the E-getSizeOf(x)-method. Very helpful. I will search for my memory eaters.
Hello everybody.
This is my second attempt to write an app for Football Officiating and ran into problems again. Graphics and Buffers are not my friends, I think.
The code is growing, but the simple switch from my main screen and the menu (BTN3) back and forth is somehow poluting my memory (it grows 1% every switch).
Before using the Menu-Component I thought my solution with resizing and clearing the buffer is a good idea. Maybe someone has a better solution for a non flickering output?
Code is attached (too long).
Thank you.
Really LCD and LockScreen both prevent the button from executing it's 'primary' event?
I hope the battery will last with this settings for a game or a tournament. I will give it a try this evening.
Will these settings be restored after the user is exiting the app to his preferences?