Avatar for dwinfiel


Member since Aug 2019 • Last active Oct 2019
  • 2 conversations

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  • in ESP32
    Avatar for dwinfiel

    Yes my version is 2.04. Would trying an older vesion help? Not sure what you want me to console.log(), if I just put that I get "=undefined". When I do >E.getSizeOf(global, 2), I get the following:

    >E.getSizeOf(global, 2)
        name: "\xFF",
        size: 63,
        more: [
            name: "timers",
            size: 12 },
            name: "watches",
            size: 3 },
            name: "net",
            size: 3 },
            name: "modules",
            size: 15 },
            name: "BLE_DEV_N",
            size: 4 },
            name: "history",
            size: 24 }
        name: "wico",
        size: 4,
        more: [
            name: "\xFFcod",
            size: 2 }
        name: "fmem",
        size: 4,
        more: [
            name: "\xFFcod",
            size: 2 }
        name: "ssid",
        size: 2 },
        name: "pswd",
        size: 3 },
        name: "wifi",
        size: 12,
        more: [
            name: "#ondisconnected",
            size: 5 },
            name: "#onconnected",
            size: 5 }
        name: "iwico",
        size: 2 },
        name: "process",
        size: 3,
        more: [  ]
        name: "free_mem",
        size: 2 },
        name: "console",
        size: 3,
        more: [  ]
        name: "ReferenceError",
        size: 8,
        more: [
            name: "prototype",
            size: 6 }
        name: "E",
        size: 2,
        more: [  ]

    There were not any memory loss during the night (WIFI probably didn't loose connection). Resetting it this morning dropped it from 3696 (what it dropped to after running a few commands such as the E.getSizeOf(global, 2)) to 3605 by the time it reconnected.

  • in ESP32
    Avatar for dwinfiel

    I tried resetting my router and then waiting about an hour before resetting a 2nd time and the ESP32 successfully reconnected, but memory dropped to 3799 after reconnecting. I just restarted my router a 3rd time and the ESP32 memory dropped to 3781 and then 3746 and then 3711 all while disconnected. After reconnecting it is down to 3709.

  • in ESP32
    Avatar for dwinfiel


    After flashing new firmware to the ESP32, disabling Bluetooth, saving my wifi settings using the following:

    var ssid = 'xxxx'; 
    var pswd = 'xxxx'; 
    var wifi = require('Wifi');
    wifi.connect(ssid, {password: pswd},function(){
    //    console.log('Connected to Wifi.  IP address is:', wifi.getIP().ip);
        wifi.save(); // Next reboot will auto-connect

    I get the following memory (after sending a ESP32.reboot):

    ={ free: 4021, usage: 79, total: 4100, history: 0,
      gc: 0, gctime: 3.2 }

    I found that my board does run the event wifi.on('disconnected',function()), at least sometimes. So I am trying the following code:

    var wifi = require('Wifi');
    var iwico = setInterval(wico,999999999);
      //print("wifi disconnected");
      console.log('Wifi disconnected');
      iwico = setInterval(wico,1000*30);
      //print("wifi connected");
      console.log('Connected to Wifi.  IP address is:', wifi.getIP().ip);
    function wico() {
      console.log('trying to reconnect');
    function fmem() {
      free_mem = process.memory().free;
      print('free mem: ' + free_mem);

    After performing a ESP32.reboot, I get the following:

    ={ free: 3985, usage: 115, total: 4100, history: 0,
      gc: 0, gctime: 3.382 }
    free mem: 3981

    And as long as my Wifi doesn't disconnect it seems to stay steady at 3981. Shortly after I shut off my WIFI, I get a few error messages and then my memory drops to 3963. It continues to drop each time it tries to reconnect. After a couple of minutes, I turned my WIFI back on. Just before I turned it on the free memory was down to 3895. After it finished reconnecting it dropped more, down to:

    Then it stays steady ad 3859. If I wait a few more minutes and turn off my WIFI again it doesn't seem to catch the change in WIFI status. If I manually type in wifi.getStatus(), I get the following

      station: "connected",
      ssid: "",
      bssid: "00:00:00:00:00:00",
      channel: 0, rssi: 0,
      htMode: "HT20",
      authMode: "wpa2",
      mode: "STA",
      powersave: "modem"

    For some reason my ssid is now deleted. Any idea why it does that? Maybe I'm shutting my WIFI off too quickly. If I turn my WIFI back on, it doesn't re-connect a second time. I'll set it to run overnight and see how much, if any memory loss I get if I don't manually shut off the WIFI.

  • in ESP32
    Avatar for dwinfiel

    I've modified the code to not try to connect if wifi status is "connecting". I've also modified it so that it won't try to reconnect MQTT if WIFI is disconnected. While connected with USB, I've tried starting and stopping my WIFI and/or my MQTT server so that I can see the printout from the ESP32. I'm noticing a few errors I'm hoping someone can clarify what the following errors are:

    E (265203) event: post event to user fail!
    E (268048) event: post event to user fail!
    E (270893) event: post event to user fail!
    E (455363) event: post event to user fail!

    I get the following after reseting:

    WARNING: gap set scan error code = 103
    WARNING: set rssi scan not implemeted yet

    Also, I've noticed the device go into a state where the Wifi status is "NO_AP_FOUND" and it wouldn't reconnect. Once I disconnected power and re-connected then the WIFI was able to reconnect.

  • in ESP32
    Avatar for dwinfiel

    Thank everyone for their suggestions. I have just gotten back to trying this again (had some OT at work and other things going on).

    I am starting with a fresh install of everything (even my OS because when I tried to update Debian from stretch to buster, I broke it).

    The ESP32 board that I'm using are MELIFE 2 ESP-32S (ESP-WROOM-32 module with 4MB flash, no pSRAM).

    I've done a fresh flash of the firmware and I get the following right after flashing:

      sdkVersion: "v3.1.3-dirty",
      freeHeap: 35712, BLE: true, Wifi: true, minHeap: 33112 }
    ={ free: 2264, usage: 36, total: 2300, history: 13,
      gc: 0, gctime: 1.876 }
      VERSION: "2v04",
      GIT_COMMIT: "3956264e",
      BOARD: "ESP32",
      FLASH: 0, RAM: 524288,
      SERIAL: "3c71bff1-179c",
      CONSOLE: "Serial1",
      MODULES: "Flash,Storage,hea" ... "r,crypto,neopixel",
      EXPTR: 1073484860 }

    I then disabled bluetooth and get much more memory:

    ={ free: 4071, usage: 29, total: 4100, history: 0,
      gc: 0, gctime: 3.209 }

    Then I turned on WIFI using

    var ssid = 'YOUR_SSID';
    var password = 'YOUR_SSID_PASSWORD';
    var wifi = require('Wifi');
    wifi.connect(ssid, {password: password}, function() {
        console.log('Connected to Wifi.  IP address is:', wifi.getIP().ip);
        wifi.save(); // Next reboot will auto-connect

    My WIFI does not re-connect on it's own (if I say reboot my WIFI router). However, it does connect when I reboot the ESP32.

    I'll try some of the other suggestions and see what I get.

  • in ESP32
    Avatar for dwinfiel

    I'm pretty new to Javascript so I'm hoping this is something that is easy to fix in my code. I've tried setting up my ESP32 to connect to WIFI and MQTT and no matter how I write it, I am getting memory leaks. Luckily, I do not need Bluetooth and I saw on here how to disable that (which practically doubled my available memory).

    Below is my current version that will connect to my WIFI and publish MQTT. It will reconnect on a lost WIFI signal or lost MQTT connection. However, every 30 mins or so my free memory drops by 50 or so. I've tried writing this various different ways such as using setInterval vs setTimeout functions. I don't think I am mixing up the scope of any of my global variables. I even once tried putting everything all in one function and periodically resetting it to null which just seemed to make the problem worse. Is there a way to do this that will not run through all the memory?

    //WIFI config
    var wifi_options = 
         ssid: 'xxxxxx',
         password: 'xxxxxx',
    //MQTT config
    var mqtt_freq = 1000; //how often to send MQTT(ms)
    var mqtt_options = 
    //    keep_alive: 0,
        server: "",
        port: 1883,
    var led_speed = 500;
    var wifi_stat;
    var wifi_recon_count=0;
    var wifi_pre_mem;
    var wifi_post_mem;
    var Wifi = require('Wifi');
    //get wifi status every second
    function iw1() {
      wifi_stat = Wifi.getDetails().status;
      //set led blink rate
      if(wifi_stat !== "connected") {led_speed = 100;}
      else {led_speed=500;}
    //reconnect to WIFI (only try once every 30 seconds)  
    function iw2(){
      if(wifi_stat !== "connected") {
        wifi_pre_mem = process.memory().free;
        print("WIFI disconnected: Reconecting...");
        Wifi.connect(wifi_options.ssid, {password: wifi_options.password});
        wifi_post_mem = process.memory().free;
    var  D2_setting = false;
    function iLED () {
      D2_setting = !D2_setting;
      digitalWrite(D2, D2_setting);
      setTimeout(iLED, led_speed);
    //mqtt globals
    var mqtt_r=require("MQTT");
    mqtt = mqtt_r.create(mqtt_options.server, {
      port: mqtt_options.port,//8883
    var mqtt_conn_count = 0;
    var mqtt_stat = false; 
    function mqt0(){
      function mqt1 () {
        mqtt_stat = mqtt.connected;
      var imq1 = setInterval(mqt1,1000);
      //Reconnect MQTT if disconnected:
      function mqt2() {
        if (mqtt_stat === false){
          print("MQTT disconnected, reconnecting...");
      var imq2 = setInterval(mqt2,30*1000); //only try to reconnect every xx seconds
      //publish free memory every minute
      function mqt3(){
        if (mqtt_stat === true){
          free_mem = process.memory().free; 
          print("memory publishing: " + free_mem);
       var imq3 = setInterval(mqt3,1000*60);
      //loop back to mqt0 and clear intervals
        imq1 = null;
        imq2 = null;
        imq3 = null;
      },60*1000*15); //setloop time to 15 mins
  • in ESP32
    Avatar for dwinfiel

    All of a sudden it is working now through USB, and I didn't change anything since the last attempt. I do not believe that I did anything for setting udev rules, I don't see anything on the Espruino ESP32 page about setting those. If it stops working I will look into setting the udev rules.

  • in ESP32
    Avatar for dwinfiel


    Thank you for your help. I was able to connect on Linux using the WiFi and IP address just had to add the port number. However, the USB option still isn't working for me. I am more interested in the WiFi option anyway so I should be able to work around not getting the USB option to work in Linux.

    I am currently evacuated due to a hurricane and do not have access to my ESP32. I will post the console info when I get a chance, in case it is useful for others.
