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Leds flash as expected. Long press makes it blink blue, but nothing shows up in the "whants to pair" list of the IDE.
Yes! iBeacon was my first attempt but iBeacon wont provide any method of identifying unique identifiers and separating them.
e.g When monitoring for iBeacons in the background with uuid=123
the triggerd event when iBeacon is in range dosenĀ“t contain major or minor.
Goal: Im trying to create a puck that advertises a distress-call ( panic / sos button) and gets picked up by any phone with the corresponding app installed.
So simply advertising som data and then change som specific advertising data when the button is pressed.
While developing a long press will make the puck go back into a state where it can connect to the web IDE.I have 2 problems at the moment.
1 When doing a long press the puck is not able to reconnect with the IDE.2 The app finds the puck but the serviceUUIDs list is empty. This list need to have at least one entry for iphone to let it be discovered in the background.
Data retrived in the app :"F6:A1:EC:AF:EB:0F" isConnectable:null localName:"MyName" manufacturerData:null mtu:23 name:"MyName" overflowServiceUUIDs:null rssi:-42 serviceData:{00000019-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb: "dGVzdA==", 00001076-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb: "AA=="} serviceUUIDs:null solicitedServiceUUIDs:null txPowerLevel:null
Puck Code:
var downTime = 0; var presses = 1; var heartrate = 5; var distress = false; function ledBlink(ledId, duration, loops) { digitalWrite(ledId, true); let loop = loops || 1; setTimeout(function () { digitalWrite(ledId, false); if(loop > 1) { loop--; setTimeout(function () { // be off for same amount of time ledBlink(ledId, duration, loop); }, duration); } }, duration); } function onUp() { const lengthOfPress = Date().ms - downTime; console.log('Button down for ' + lengthOfPress + 'ms'); if(lengthOfPress > 1000) { longPress(); } else { shortPress(); } } function onDown() { downTime = Date().ms; setWatch(onUp, BTN, { edge: 'falling', debounce: 50 }); } function longPress() { ledBlink(LED3, 100, 3); IdeConnect(); } function shortPress() { ledBlink(LED1, 100, presses); presses++; beaconMode(); } function IdeConnect() { // reset ble to connect with Espurino web IDE ledBlink(LED3, 200, 10); NRF.setServices(undefined, { uart: true }); NRF.setAdvertising({}); } function beaconMode() { // advertise some data to everyone in range distress = !distress; if(distress){ ledBlink(LED1, 200, 3); } else { ledBlink(LED2, 200, 3); } // from exaple code NRF.setServices({ 0x180D: { // heart_rate 0x2A37: { // heart_rate_measurement notify: true, value : [0x06, distress], } } }, { advertise: [ '180D' ], uart: false }); NRF.setAdvertising( { 0x1076 : [distress], // change bit to filter out distresscalls 0x19 : ['t','e','s','t'] // some identifier } , { name: 'MyName', showName: true, connectable: false, discoverable: true, manufacturer: 0x0590, manufacturerData:[distress], }); } setWatch(onDown, BTN, { repeat: true, edge: 'rising', debounce: 50 }); //save();
I managed to get it to work by cleaning out all code and using the button press examples from Music Controller. And then just add the advertising code bit. It might have been a problem with the broadcast message being to long.
Then advertise another UUID when everything is normal.
For IDE mode this was enough.
I will add the connectable:true as you suggested.