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When you unplug the Espruino device from the USB port does it wipe it's program? I'm trying to get the program to run after plugging it into the USB and not running it through the IDE. I haven't had any success, once I unplug it it doesn't run my program when it gets power again. How do I go about doing that?
Hello, I got my Espruino 1 or 2 months ago. I've finally got time to mess around with it. I can't get it to work. I'm trying to Flash the Espruino and install the latest version of the firmware. I'm not sure if it's showing up in the IDE or not. I'm using a late 2013 Macbook Pro running Mavericks.
The list of devices/ports in the IDE is:
/dev/tty.Bluetooth-ModemI can get the device to connect using either Incoming-Port but I can't seem to run a script on it.
When I go to update it's firmware I put it into bootloader mode by holding the BTN1 button and pressing the RST button. The Red and Blue LED lights turn on. I put the following link( into the textfield and press Write Firmware. It will then say "Downloading binary..." "Initializing..." "Error Flashing." and that's all I get.Am I doing something incorrect or is my device not showing up in the list? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
That's easier than I thought, thank you! And thank you for being so responsive! :)