Avatar for user93073


Member since Aug 2018 • Last active Nov 2018
  • 1 conversations

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  • in ESP32
    Avatar for user93073

    Well I probably explained it wrong. I just want to upload my project on github as a openSource project and dont want the crowd to have so much struggle to get it on the device. I had something in my mind to just flash the device with my software build in. Or something like a script wich does the actual flash and afterwards the transmission of my scripts. Something like this.


  • in ESP32
    Avatar for user93073

    Hey folks,

    at first its great to be here. It seems like this is a great community where everyone love the same thing.

    About my problem:

    I made a piece of HW with a ESP32 on it. To control this ( its some switching and sensor reading ) I wrote a server script for the ESP and a html for my client. I just sended everything to the ESP.
    The code works like expected and it seems to be good.

    Well to put the html on the device I used this in the IDE:

    let fs = require('fs');
    try {
     } catch (e) { //'Uncaught Error: Unable to mount media : NO_FILESYSTEM'
      console.log('Formatting FS - only need to do once');
      E.flashFatFS({ format: true });
    fs.writeFileSync('index.html', 'here is my code I want to put in the index');

    Wich worked perfectly.
    My code for the ESP was also just putted on the device by the IDE.
    I did some research how I could simplify this without progress.

    Is it possible to create a own binary wich got this included ?
    Or does anyone got an idea what to do next ?

    Thanks in advance

