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Ok, so i tried with the following code (the result is the same with your library now) but, in deed, it's seems that it doesn't work. The output is always "0" even when i put some light on the sensor. The output for manufacterID and deviceID seems ok and i tried to change the modul sensor with an other one without more success so i don't think the problem come from the hardware.
Code :
var REG = { RESULT: 0x00, CONFIG: 0x01, LOWLIMIT: 0x02, HIGHLIMIT: 0x03, MANUFACTURERID: 0x7E, DEVICEID: 0x7F }; var adr = 0x44; var i2c = new I2C(); i2c.setup({sda:B9,scl:B8}); // Config (same as the library - maybe don't work) i2c.writeTo(adr, [REG.CONFIG, 0b1100110000010000]); i2c.writeTo(adr, REG.MANUFACTURERID); print(i2c.readFrom(adr, 1)); i2c.writeTo(adr, REG.DEVICEID); print(i2c.readFrom(adr, 1)); i2c.writeTo(adr, REG.RESULT); print(i2c.readFrom(adr, 2));
Output :
>new Uint8Array([84]) >new Uint8Array([48]) >new Uint8Array(2)
I think the output is "uninitialized-like" because the values are "0" and "0". We can verifie that by reading 3 bytes (in place of two) with the following code
Code :
i2c.writeTo(adr, REG.RESULT); print(i2c.readFrom(adr, 3));
Output :
>new Uint8Array([0, 0, 255])
There is maybe a problem with the configuration. I'm sorry, i don't have time now to more investigations but I'll let you know if I find something in the next few days.
If it helps, here is the result of reading of all the registers
Code :
i2c.writeTo(adr, REG.RESULT); print(i2c.readFrom(adr, 2)); i2c.writeTo(adr, REG.CONFIG); print(i2c.readFrom(adr, 2)); i2c.writeTo(adr, REG.LOWLIMIT); print(i2c.readFrom(adr, 2)); i2c.writeTo(adr, REG.HIGHLIMIT); print(i2c.readFrom(adr, 2)); i2c.writeTo(adr, REG.MANUFACTURERID); print(i2c.readFrom(adr, 2)); i2c.writeTo(adr, REG.DEVICEID); print(i2c.readFrom(adr, 2));
Output :
>new Uint8Array(2) // means "0" >new Uint8Array([200, 16]) >new Uint8Array(2) // means "0" >new Uint8Array([191, 255]) >new Uint8Array([84, 73]) >new Uint8Array([48, 1])
In addition, if i look in the OPT data sheet, the result value is, in deed, on 16 bits but divided as follow :
12 bit (LSB) : real value data
4 bit (MSB) : exposentSadly, your library doesn't take care of that and just return the 16 bits value without treatment. It would be nice to have direct the value ready to be read :)
datasheet i found :
I looked for the librairie for the OPT3001 module (, and i saw a strange think :
/* Copyright (c) 2018 Gordon Williams, Pur3 Ltd. See the file LICENSE for copying permission. */ var REG = { RESULT: 0x00, CONFIG: 0x01, LOWLIMIT: 0x02, HIGHLIMIT: 0x03, MANUFACTUREID: 0x7E, DEVICEID: 0x7F }; function OPT3001(options,r,w) { this.r=r; this.w=w; this.w(REG.CONFIG,0b1100110000010000); print(this.r(REG.MANUFACTUREID)); // 0x5449 print(this.r(REG.DEVICEID)); // 0x3001 } = function() { this.w(REG.CONFIG,0xc810); }; = function() { // return this.r(REG.RESULT0); REG.RESULT0 doesn't exit right ? return this.r(REG.RESULT); // better like this ? }; exports.OPT3001 = OPT3001; exports.connectI2C = function(i2c, options) { var a = (options&&options.addr)||0x44; // or 0x45? return (new OPT3001(options, function(reg) { // read 16 bits i2c.writeTo(a, reg); var r = i2c.readFrom(a,2); print(r); return r[1] | r[0]<<8; }, function(reg, data) { // write i2c.writeTo(a, [reg, data]); })); };
EDIT : 2 minutes too late =D
I'm not sure about how to read the OPT3001 sensor's data and i didn't find a lot of documentation. Here my code and the error i have on output.
My code :
var i2c = new I2C(); i2c.setup({sda:B9,scl:B8}); var opt = require("OPT3001").connectI2C(i2c); // default adresse (0x44) and pins are ok, connection works var data =; console.log(JSON.stringify(data,null,2));
Output :
>new Uint8Array([84, 73]) 21577 new Uint8Array([48, 1]) 12289 >Uncaught TypeError: Expecting a number or something iterable, got undefined at line 1 col 14 a.writeTo(e,c);c=a.readFrom(e,2);print(c);return c[1]|c[0]<<... ^ in function "r" called from line 1 col 17 this.r(a.RESULT0) ^ in function "read" called from line 1 col 21 var data =; ^ >
The module is right connected and seems ready (led on). Can someone help me ?
I confirm : It's working, thank for support !