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Member since May 2018 • Last active May 2018
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  • in Electronics
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    Thanks a lot for your answer, those small little cheap screens were just too good to be true...
    By the way, congrats for your Espruino, it looks pretty cool.

  • in Electronics
    Avatar for user89564

    Hi there,

    I'm sorry to post a message here, I'm not sure it is the right place, but I don't know where else to post it. I'm François (papamaker) and I'm selling a kit indcluding this kind of screen: http://www.kitco.fr).

    My question is about this:

    These LCDs really haven't been great - as I said in another post the LCD manufacturer sent some really poor quality displays, but once I realised I started trying to check LCDs before sending them out.

    I'm also selling an electronic kit and I face a lot of problem with those screens (~30% are not working). I was wondering if you have some hints for me? Did you find a good seller for them?

    That would be great if you could help me.
    best regards,
