Avatar for Dan.js


Member since Mar 2018 • Last active Feb 2019
  • 2 conversations

I like making things and stuff, with things and stuff.

Most recent activity

  • in Puck.js, Pixl.js and MDBT42
    Avatar for Dan.js

    If your using Droidscript, this is how I do it to send data to the Puck.

       function OnStart(){
             ble = app.CreateBluetoothLE();
            function send(){
             ble.SendUart("Hello World");

    Read it on the Puck with.

    Bluetooth.on('data', function(d) {
        data += d;
  • in Projects
    Avatar for Dan.js

    Im using vector for time/date and Font8x16 for temp/battery. I drew out four battery icons, 100%,below 90%,50%, and 10%.

    It also shows in the middle if bluetooth is connected or not, "!" for not connected "<>" for connected.

    Here's the most current layout I have right now.

  • in Projects
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    After removing the battery holder from the Puck it actually seems to fit pretty well. A custom PCB sounds fun though! Ill start looking into it.

    When I started thinking about this project originally I thought of using the Adafruit M0 trinket plus BLE module. I don't think it would have turned out. The Puck with bluetooth programming along with the incredible battery life all on a tiny board is just amazing. I don't think I could have done this project without it.

  • in Projects
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    The previous photo doesnt have the battery in it. When I open up the case again Ill take another pic. The layout inside goes, coil with puck fitting perfectly in the middle, button circuit board with n2222 transistor for the motor and 78l33 voltage regulator on the right side, adafruit trinket lipo backpack, lipo on top of the puck then the screen.

  • in Projects
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    The main script only updates once a minute to update the time, battery and temp. I use Bluetooth.on(data) and setWatch() to get notifications and access menus. When a text pops up it sets an interval to watch the capsense every 10 ms, and a setTimeout after 30 secs. It actually works pretty good, a text comes though, I tap the bezel then goes back to the main screen or waits 30 secs then goes back.

  • in Projects
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    So I couldnt wait for the new board to come out before adding wireless charging. This weekend I removed the battery holder and button from the puck, added a lipo battery, 3v regulator and induction charger. The case is about 2mm thicker than I wanted but it still looks good. Its about the same size if not a little smaller than my wife's Garmin Fenix 3.

  • in Projects
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    Unfortunately my 3d printer only supports PLA. I am experimenting with Proto Pasta graphite pla on the bezel connected to the capsense pin on the puck. It works but the main problem seems there isnt a setWatch() for capsense, so I run a constant fast interval.

  • in Projects
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    The coil isn't installed yet. If I use the puck ill have to remove the coin cell holder and button, plus add a voltage regulator. I'm trying to hold off for the next "bare bones" BLE espruino thats possibly coming out this month. The watch case is big enough though... I think.

  • in Projects
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    Im currently working on a smart watch based off the puck, using a sharp memory display from Adafruit. A Droidscript app connects to the watch sending over text and phone calls, buzzing when received. Also sends and receives data to adafruit.io and maker.ifttt.com. Waiting very patiently for the minimal bluetooth board supposedly coming out this month, so i can add a lipo instead of using the coin cell.

    Current working features:
    Time, Date
    Text displays message on screen
    Calls show number
    Sends battery once a minute to Adafruit.io
    Receives temperature data from Adafruit.io
    Buzzes and displays icon when disconnects from phone
    Control over Hue lights with maker.ifttt

    Future work:
    Smaller espruino board
    Lipo and wireless charging
    Cancel incoming calls
    Respond to text messages
