Member since Feb 2018 • Last active May 2019Most recent activity
After a lot of messing about and reading the spec, I don't think it's possible to have the counter DIR bit change according to a simple high/low on another GPIO as required. The encoder mode of the timer is designed for a quadrature encoder.
I ended up with a little inline C to switch this bit according to GPIO input edge change like this:
const native=E.compiledC(` // void dir(bool) unsigned char *addr=(unsigned char *) 0x40010000; void dir(bool state) { *addr = (*addr & ~0b00010000) | (state * 0b00010000); } `); setWatch(native.dir, B7, {repeat: true, edge: "both", irq: true});
I'd now like to go further and handle step and direction (with direction being high/low signal on another gpio). Having trouble understanding how to translate the example given below into Espruino equivalent!
I got it all working - thanks!
Here is my code in case it's useful to anyone...
var DEFS={ TIM1: { base: 0x40010000, pin: A8 }, TIM3: { base: 0x40000400, pin: B4 }, TIM4: { base: 0x40000800, pin: B6 } }; function init(tim) { const def=DEFS[tim]; if ( !def ) { throw "Invalid timer!"; } const BASE=def.base; // slave mode control register var SMCR = BASE+0x0008; // event generation register var EGR = BASE+0x0014; // Capture compare mode register var CCMR1 = BASE+0x0018; // Capture/compare enable register var CCER = BASE+0x0020; // counter var CNT = BASE+0x0024; // prescaler var PSC = BASE+0x0028; // auto reload register var ARR = BASE+0x002C; // enable PWM on A8 (TIM1 CH1) analogWrite(def.pin,0.5,{freq:10}); // CC1E = 0 (Turn channel 1 off) poke16(CCER, peek16(CCER) & ~1); // CC1S[1:0]=01 (rising edge), IC1F[7:4]=0 (no filter) poke16(CCMR1, (peek16(CCMR1) & ~0b11110011) | (0b00000001)); // CC1P=0, CC1NP=0 (detect rising edge), CC1E[0] = 1 (Turn channel 1 on) poke16(CCER, peek16(CCER) & ~(0b1011) | (0b0001)); // SMS[2:0]=111 (ext clock), TS[6:4]=101 (CH1 as trigger) poke16(SMCR, (peek16(SMCR) & ~0b1110111) | 0b1010111); // Prescaler to 0 - use every transition poke16(PSC, 0); // auto-reload with the full range of values poke16(ARR, 65535); // poke the UG[0] bit to reset the counter and update the prescaler poke16(EGR, 1); return { get: function() { return peek16(CNT); }, reset: function() { poke16(CNT, 0); } }; } const TIM1=init("TIM1"); const TIM4=init("TIM4"); const TIM3=init("TIM3"); function update(){ g.clear(); g.drawString("Steps X: "+TIM1.get(), 2, 2); g.drawString("Steps Y: "+TIM4.get(), 2, 20); g.drawString("Steps Z: "+TIM3.get(), 2, 38); g.flip(); } // SPI var s = new SPI(); s.setup({mosi: B15 /* D1 */, sck:B13 /* D0 */}); var g = require("SH1106").connectSPI(s, B14 /* DC */, B10 /* RST - can leave as undefined */, function() { setInterval(update, 100); }); setWatch(function(e) { TIM1.reset(); TIM4.reset(); TIM3.reset(); }, BTN, { repeat: true });
Hi, we are interested in supporting wired networking (ethernet) on STM32 using the low-level ST ethernet driver package plus lwip (or similar). For example this might be on a nucleo board with built-in ethernet. Less interested in SPI or other add-on board solutions such as WIZnet.
Has anyone achieved this, or have any helpful pointers on steps required to enable?
Many thanks!