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Member since Jan 2018 • Last active Sep 2018
  • 3 conversations

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  • in Other Boards
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    What software did you use with that programmer? The limited memory shouldn't be a problem for me, I'm not planning on doing anything extreme.

  • in Other Boards
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    That's great news! I'll look for a beacon based on the nrf52 and see if I can't get it to work as well.

    Would this cheap-o programmer work? That would keep costs much lower.

    Thanks for your help!

  • in Other Boards
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    I picked up a cheap generic iBeacon that uses the nrf51822. You can see a listing on Ali Express at https://www.aliexpress.com/item/2V-3-3V-NRF51822-Bluetooth-4-0-Wireless-Module-For-iBeacon-Base-Station-Intelligent-Control-System/32824004498.html

    Since it's running on the same chip as the micro:bit, is it safe to assume that if I were to get a programmer and connect it, I could potentially run espruino on this thing? I looked on the forums, and it appears that no one has brought this up before, or my search skills are lacking.

    If so, that would be incredible, but I have no idea where to start. I've already mangled this beacon a bit, so if I damage it in the process, it'll be no big loss.

    I'm already started on integrating my puck into my home automation system, which will perform context-aware actions based on what room it's in when the button is pressed (and potentially more complex actions based on sensor data). If it can be ported to run on this cheap a device, I can imagine having a set of various beacons attached to devices that would trigger specific actions in certain places (like a beacon that turns on the lights in whatever room you're in when you press it, or a beacon that controls my music system and sets it to the room I'm in).

  • in ESP8266
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    Ah, that would completely make sense that the IDE loses connectivity, in that case. Thanks for solving the mystery!

  • in ESP8266
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    That command works, in that it turns on the on-board LED, but after issuing that command, the entire board is unresponsive from the IDE.

  • in ESP8266
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    It's a bare ESP-01 module in a programmer adapter. No wiring, no code.

  • in ESP8266
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  • in ESP8266
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    I'm not able to use pin D1 on my ESP8266 ESP-01 module. It's hooked up to the on-board LED, and I'd like to use it as a status indicator, but any attempts to read from or write to that pin cause Espruino to crash. All the other pins are working properly.

    Is this pin unavailable since it's connected to something else internally? Am I forgetting something simple?

    To reproduce the issue, simply connect to the blank ESP-01 and run
