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In general, going on the path 1 with yours help, I wrote such code, but there are some strange mistakes = (such as 45 km / h at rest). I tested it in my car. Visually it coincides with the speedometer in my smartphone =)
//********* Serial3.setup (115200, {rx: P0, tx: P1}); var R = 6371e3; // var Led= require('@amperka/led').connect(A1); var lastData; // var lastData2; // var lastLon; // var lastLat; // var LastTime; var toRad=Math.PI/180; var i=0; var gps = require ("GPS"). connect (Serial3, function (data) { if (lastData,i<50) { // do stuff here - eg. the difference between the two readings //****** distance calc var Lon=data.lon*toRad; // lon в t1 var*toRad; //lat в t1 var diffLon=Math.abs(Lon-lastLon*toRad); var diffLat= Math.abs(Lat-lastLat*toRad); var a= Math.sin(diffLat/2) * Math.sin(diffLat/2) + Math.cos(Lat) * Math.cos(lastLat*toRad) * Math.sin(diffLon/2) * Math.sin(diffLon/2); var c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1-a)); var distansP = R * c; //****** time diff var tTime= data.time.split(':'); // time array tTime=tTime[2]; var diffTime=tTime-LastTime; //****** speed var speed1= distansP/diffTime; // m/s var speed2= speed1*3.6; // km/h if(speed2>60){ Led.turnOn(); } else{Led.turnOff();} console.log(speed2,speed1); //console.log ('1',Math.sin(diffLat/2),diffLat/2,'2',Math.cos(Lat), '3',Math.cos(lastLat*toRad),lastLat*toRad,'4',Math.sin(diffLon/2),'5',Math.sin(diffLon/2),'6',Math.sqrt(a),a,'7',Math.sqrt(1-a),'8',diffTime ); Debugging } lastData=data; lastLon=data.lon; // in degrees; //in degrees LastTime= data.time.split(':'); LastTime= LastTime[2]; // lastData = data.time.split(':'); //lastData2 = lastData[2]; // lastLon= data.lon; i=i+1; });
Wow great. it works!!!
Serial3.setup (115200, {rx: P0, tx: P1}); var lastData; var gps = require ("GPS"). connect (Serial3, function (data) { if (lastData) { // do stuff here - eg. the difference between the two readings var dlat =data.time; // var dlon = data.lon - lastData.lon; console.log (dlat); console.log ('*->',lastData); } lastData = data.time; // return lastData; });
Hi guys!
I want to get the speed and, depending on it do an actions, for example, to light the LED.
I see 2 ways of solving this problem.
the first one
Use the standard Esprino library, taken from the link below. (115200, {rx: P0, tx: P1}); var gps = require ("GPS"). connect (Serial3, function (data) { console.log (data); });
The following data is displayed:
{"time": "16:35:29", "lat": 53.068403, "lon": - 4.076282, "fix": 1, "satellites": 7, "altitude": 1085.0}
There is no speed but I can get it if i know Time1 and Time0 and latitude, longitude at Time1, Time0.
I can colculat the distance pased using formulas from there, then devide it on diff betvin T1 and T0
The problem is
How get latitude, longitude at T1, T0 from this code?
Serial3.setup (115200, {rx: P0, tx: P1});
var gps = require ("GPS"). connect (Serial3, function (data) {
console.log (data);
if i try somth like thisSerial3.setup(115200, {rx: P0, tx: P1}); var gps = require("GPS").connect(Serial3, function(data) { T1=data; return T1; }) console.log(gps)enter code here
i get empty valus in console.
the second way is to communicate with serial
I use such codSerial3.setup (115200, {rx: P0, tx: P1}); var bufer = ''; Serial3.on ('data', function (data) { bufer + = data; var lines = bufer.split ('$'); bufer = lines [lines.length-1]; if (lines.length> 1) { for (l = 0; l <lines.length-1; l ++) {print (lines [l]);}}});
As a result, it get all data from GPS controller but here
I have not found any messages with such codes, and accordingly I do not understand what position, what it means, and how it's to pars it to get the speed. How to pars the
NMEA sentent ?
Hi hi hi. I decided to make an electric skateboard.
I need to connect the receiver to Espruino.
I have such a transmitter and receiver:
How to connect? How to receive a signal? Where can I connect pins? There are a lot of them here =)