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Member since Aug 2017 • Last active Dec 2017
  • 1 conversations

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  • in ESP32
    Avatar for user80424

    Hi @user83752,
    By "standard methods and dependencies" I mean that I can find or write an equivalent function for espruino.

    For example on line 60 of index.js on the device sdk , you'll see that crypto.HmacSHA256 is called.

    That relies on the 'crypto-js' package (dependency). Instead of calling that, I can call the espruino HMAC module

    @Gordon please tell me if my thinking is correct on this.

    @user83752 I'll create a repo you can clone to test or do a pr. Its not going to be soon, cause I got other work stuff. But I'll post it here when its ready.


  • in ESP32
    Avatar for user80424

    There's two ways I'm thinking. Hopefully, I'm successful with the first.

    1. Port the sdk to the espruino lib instead of the standard js lib. If I can get the standard methods and dependencies, I think this is the way to go.

    2. If that doesn't work, I can write an extension in C.

  • in ESP32
    Avatar for user80424

    Awesome! I'll get the Espruino WiFi and see if I can get that going. I'll post my progress on here.

  • in ESP32
    Avatar for user80424

    Hello all,

    I'm curious if anyone has attempted and/or has any suggestions for how to go about building a template to connect with AWS' IoT service. Ideally it would look something like this:

    // main.js
    const WIFI_SSID  = "WIFI SSID"
    const WIFI_PASS  = "WIFI 
    const AWS_IOT_MQTT_HOST  = "something.amazonaws.com"
    const AWS_IOT_MQTT_PORT  = 8883
    const AWS_IOT_MQTT_CLIENT_ID  =  "SomeClientID"
    const AWS_IOT_MY_THING_NAME   =  "SomeThingName"

    And you'd store some AWS provided certs that will be given to you by amazon.

    I've used this repo as example on how to implement it. As a strategy I'm thinking:

    1. Implement the C version from the repo above.
    2. Then try to implement it using the official espruino board. I think I'm more likely to get support doing this.
    3. Implementing it using the ESP32 with espruino.

    I'm also curious if anyone has attempted this in the past with any board.

    Thanks for reading!
