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So I have a puckjs running off a webpage. When I use the light sensor and try to get temperature at the same time. The output of the temperature is the light reading instead of current temp. Works fine when run separately. Any ideas? Apologise for the JQuery. Just playing around with Puck for now!!! Thanks.
$(".temperature").click(function() { Puck.eval("E.getTemperature()", function(y) { console.log(y); $('.currentTemp').text(y); }) $(".main_content_wrap").addClass("rain"); createRain(); }); connection.write("reset();\n", function() { // Wait for it to reset itself setTimeout(function() { // Now tell it to write data on the current light level to Bluetooth // 10 times a second connection.write("setInterval(function(){Bluetooth.println(Puck.light());},100);\n", function() { console.log("Ready..."); }); }, 1500); });
Hoping someone can help. Basically I want to call a function when I click on my PuckJs. Trying to use setWatch on my Puck.js. Works fine from the
But when I try and call the setWatch function from a webpage using bluetooth I get errors:
Errors:setWatch is undefined
Code is:
setWatch(function() { console.log("Pressed"); }, BTN, { edge: "rising", debounce: 50, repeat: true });
Also if I load the code to the device through the webIDE, I cannot see the console.log message in chrome debug tool.s
Awesome thanks. Will try.