Avatar for Stephen-


Member since Apr 2017 • Last active Jul 2017
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    Avatar for Stephen-

    Something like the onion power dock?

    Just let me know when you are ready to do something.

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    Avatar for Stephen-

    No problem, and thanks.

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    Avatar for Stephen-

    @CriscoCrusader, that is strange as I tested it with a Pico-WiFi and Mosquitto. What board are you using and how are you connecting to the broker? I had a local http server to serve my MQTT.js

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    Avatar for Stephen-

    I had the same issue, it seems that the default MQTT module sometimes gets a ping reply and the message in a single packet and is not separating the two. Did you try the updated library I posted on Github?

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    I have added some QoS handshake and some basic caching, need to get a replay after reconnect and drop old undelivered. See github https://github.com/srhart/MQTT

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    Avatar for Stephen-

    Hi Gordon,

    It seems that the clinet.on('data') is sending more than one message in the data item.

    Here is a fix I have hacked for MQTT.js, couldn't find it on github for a pull request.

    MQTT.prototype.connect = function(client) {
        var mqo = this;
        var onConnect = function() {
            console.log('Client connected');
            mqo.partData = '';
            // Disconnect if no CONNACK is received
            mqo.ctimo = setTimeout(function() {
                mqo.ctimo = undefined;
            }, mqo.C.CONNECT_TIMEOUT);
            // Set up regular keep_alive ping
            mqo.pintr = setInterval(function() {
                // console.log("Pinging MQTT server");
            }, mqo.ping_interval*1000);
            // Incoming data
            client.on('data', function(data) {
                if (mqo.partData) {
                    //console.log('** Adding PART DATA **');
                    data = mqo.partData + data;
                    mqo.partData = '';
                var type = data.charCodeAt(0) >> 4;
                var rLen = data.charCodeAt(1);
                var pLen = rLen + 2;
                if (data.length < pLen) {
                    mqo.partData = data;
                var pData = data.substr(0,pLen);
                if(type === TYPE.PUBLISH) {
                    var parsedData = parsePublish(pData);
                    if (parsedData!==undefined) {
                        mqo.emit('publish', parsedData);
                        mqo.emit('message', parsedData.topic, parsedData.message);
                else if(type === TYPE.PUBACK) {
                    // implement puback
                else if(type === TYPE.SUBACK) {
                    // implement suback
                else if(type === TYPE.UNSUBACK) {
                    // implement unsuback
                else if(type === TYPE.PINGREQ) {
                    // silently reply to pings
                    client.write(TYPE.PINGRESP+"\x00"); // reply to PINGREQ
                else if(type === TYPE.PINGRESP) {
                else if(type === TYPE.CONNACK) {
                    if (mqo.ctimo) clearTimeout(mqo.ctimo);
                    mqo.ctimo = undefined;
                    var returnCode = pData.charCodeAt(3);
                    if(returnCode === RETURN_CODES.ACCEPTED) {
                        mqo.connected = true;
                        console.log("MQTT connection accepted");
                    else {
                        var mqttError = "Connection refused, ";
                        switch(returnCode) {
                            case RETURN_CODES.UNACCEPTABLE_PROTOCOL_VERSION:
                                mqttError += "unacceptable protocol version.";
                            case RETURN_CODES.IDENTIFIER_REJECTED:
                                mqttError += "identifier rejected.";
                            case RETURN_CODES.SERVER_UNAVAILABLE:
                                mqttError += "server unavailable.";
                            case RETURN_CODES.BAD_USER_NAME_OR_PASSWORD:
                                mqttError += "bad user name or password.";
                            case RETURN_CODES.NOT_AUTHORIZED:
                                mqttError += "not authorized.";
                                mqttError += "unknown return code: " + returnCode + ".";
                        mqo.emit('error', mqttError);
                else {
                        console.log("MQTT unsupported packet type: " + type);
                         console.log("[MQTT]" + data.split("").map(function (c) {
                                 return c.charCodeAt(0);
                if (data.length > pLen) {
                    client.emit('data', data.substr(pLen));
  • in JavaScript
    Avatar for Stephen-

    Update. testing with QoS

    mqtt.publish("test/espruino", msg, 1);

     1v91 Copyright 2016 G.Williams
    Client connected
    Response:  httpCRs {
      "headers": {
        "Date": "Tue, 04 Apr 2017 19:34:40 GMT",
        "Server": "Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu)",
        "Last-Modified": "Fri, 15 Nov 2013 15:42:26 GMT",
        "ETag": "\"d-4eb390b887c80\"",
        "Accept-Ranges": "bytes",
        "Content-Length": "13",
        "Connection": "close",
        "Content-Type": "text/plain"
      "httpVersion": "1.1",
      "statusCode": "200",
      "statusMessage": "OK"
    --->Hello World!
    MQTT connection accepted
    makeid: swv0V
    MQTT unsupported packet type: 5
    makeid: 1HPH2
    makeid: 8h85j
    MQTT unsupported packet type: 5
    makeid: wCyVx
    makeid: l2Chh
    makeid: gbk2L
    makeid: 5HdG8
    makeid: wWLvZ
    makeid: 6PHch
    MQTT unsupported packet type: 5
    makeid: 1fuue
    makeid: sctqL
    MQTT unsupported packet type: 6
    makeid: Rkpqp
    makeid: FqKuv
    MQTT unsupported packet type: 7
    makeid: G6wsU
    makeid: j3g6z
    MQTT unsupported packet type: 6
    makeid: 5RuIk
    makeid: hJLhd

    eMQ Console subscribed test/# QoS 1

    2017-04-04 20:36:33 --(Q1, R1, D0, Topic=test/espruino, Payload=from server)
    2017-04-04 20:36:40 --(Q1, R0, D0, Topic=test/espruino, Payload=MSG: gbk2L)
    2017-04-04 20:37:00 --(Q1, R0, D0, Topic=test/espruino, Payload=MSG: 5HdG8)
    2017-04-04 20:37:20 --(Q1, R0, D0, Topic=test/espruino, Payload=MSG: wWLvZ)
    2017-04-04 20:37:40 --(Q1, R0, D0, Topic=test/espruino, Payload=MSG: 6PHch)
    2017-04-04 20:38:00 --(Q1, R0, D0, Topic=test/espruino, Payload=MSG: 1fuue)
    2017-04-04 20:38:20 --(Q1, R0, D0, Topic=test/espruino, Payload=MSG: sctqL)
    2017-04-04 20:38:40 --(Q1, R0, D0, Topic=test/espruino, Payload=MSG: Rkpqp)
    2017-04-04 20:39:00 --(Q1, R0, D0, Topic=test/espruino, Payload=MSG: FqKuv)
    2017-04-04 20:39:20 --(Q1, R0, D0, Topic=test/espruino, Payload=MSG: G6wsU)
    2017-04-04 20:39:40 --(Q1, R0, D0, Topic=test/espruino, Payload=MSG: j3g6z)
    2017-04-04 20:40:00 --(Q1, R0, D0, Topic=test/espruino, Payload=MSG: 5RuIk)
    2017-04-04 20:40:20 --(Q1, R0, D0, Topic=test/espruino, Payload=MSG: hJLhd)
    2017-04-04 20:40:40 --(Q1, R0, D0, Topic=test/espruino, Payload=MSG: sF75w)
    2017-04-04 20:41:00 --(Q1, R0, D0, Topic=test/espruino, Payload=MSG: x87O6)

    mqtt.publish("test/espruino", msg, 2);

     1v91 Copyright 2016 G.Williams
    Client connected
    Response:  httpCRs {
      "headers": {
        "Date": "Tue, 04 Apr 2017 19:41:48 GMT",
        "Server": "Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu)",
        "Last-Modified": "Fri, 15 Nov 2013 15:42:26 GMT",
        "ETag": "\"d-4eb390b887c80\"",
        "Accept-Ranges": "bytes",
        "Content-Length": "13",
        "Connection": "close",
        "Content-Type": "text/plain"
      "httpVersion": "1.1",
      "statusCode": "200",
      "statusMessage": "OK"
    --->Hello World!
    MQTT connection accepted
    {"topic":"test/espruino","message":"from server","dup":0,"qos":0,"retain":1}
    topic: test/espruino
    message: from server
    makeid: M95lA
    MQTT unsupported packet type: 5
    makeid: vuVhs
    MQTT unsupported packet type: 5
    makeid: X3K5K
    MQTT unsupported packet type: 5
    makeid: 2ZZN3
    MQTT unsupported packet type: 5
    makeid: yG6HR
    MQTT unsupported packet type: 5
    makeid: SSwc0
    MQTT unsupported packet type: 5
    makeid: UKyIs
    MQTT unsupported packet type: 5
    makeid: NFBwM
    MQTT unsupported packet type: 5
    makeid: SnxMM
    MQTT unsupported packet type: 5
    makeid: aB2tu
    MQTT unsupported packet type: 5

    Nothing in eMQ Console subscribed to test/#

  • in JavaScript
    Avatar for Stephen-

    Just as a follow up I am testing with a pico wifi, eMQ as the broker, I see random errors with this code on the device:

    var server = "ubuntu.home"; // the ip of your MQTT broker
    var options = { // all optional - the defaults are below
      client_id : getSerial(), // the client ID sent to MQTT - it's a good idea to define your own static one based on `getSerial()`
      keep_alive: 60, // keep alive time in seconds
      port: 1883, // port number
      clean_session: true,
      username: "stephen", // default is undefined
      password: "*****",  // default is undefined
      protocol_name: "MQTT", // or MQIsdp, etc..
      protocol_level: 4, // protocol level
    var mqtt = require("MQTT").create(server, options /*optional*/);
    mqtt.on('connected', function() {
    mqtt.on('publish', function (pub) {
      console.log("topic: "+pub.topic);
      console.log("message: "+pub.message);
    var WIFI_NAME = "****";
    var WIFI_OPTIONS = { password : "****" };
    var wifi = require("EspruinoWiFi");
    function getPage() {
      require("http").get("http://www.pur3.co.uk/hello.txt", function(res) {
        console.log("Response: ",res);
        res.on('data', function(d) {
          mqtt.publish("test/espruino", d);
    function makeid()
        var text = "";
        var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
        for( var i=0; i < 5; i++ )
            text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
      console.log('makeid: '+text);
      return text;
    function postIt()
      var msg = "MSG: " + makeid();
      mqtt.publish("test/espruino", msg);
    wifi.connect(WIFI_NAME, WIFI_OPTIONS, function(err) {
      if (err) {
        console.log("Connection error: "+err);
      wifi.getIP(function (err, res) {
        if (!err) {
        } else {
      ts = setInterval(function() {postIt();}, 20000);

    It seems to randomly add \xD0\x00 to the message.


     1v91 Copyright 2016 G.Williams
    Client connected
    Response:  httpCRs {
      "headers": {
        "Date": "Tue, 04 Apr 2017 19:19:23 GMT",
        "Server": "Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu)",
        "Last-Modified": "Fri, 15 Nov 2013 15:42:26 GMT",
        "ETag": "\"d-4eb390b887c80\"",
        "Accept-Ranges": "bytes",
        "Content-Length": "13",
        "Connection": "close",
        "Content-Type": "text/plain"
      "httpVersion": "1.1",
      "statusCode": "200",
      "statusMessage": "OK"
    --->Hello World!
    MQTT connection accepted
    {"topic":"test/espruino","message":"from server","dup":0,"qos":0,"retain":1}
    topic: test/espruino
    message: from server
    makeid: gRQRa
    Uncaught Error: Field or method "topic" does not already exist, and can't create it on undefined
     at line 1 col 88
    ...lish",c),a.emit("message",c.topic,c.message);else if(d!==f.P...
    in function called from system
     at line 2 col 28
      console.log("topic: "+pub.topic);
    in function called from system
    MQTT unsupported packet type: 0
    makeid: sJZwi
    {"topic":"test/espruino","message":"MSG: sJZwi\xD0\x00","dup":0,"qos":0,"retain":0}
    topic: test/espruino
    message: MSG: sJZwiÐ
    makeid: kL0LJ
    topic: test
    Uncaught Error: Unknown Timeout
     at line 2 col 149
    in function called from system
    makeid: GJTbH
    {"topic":"test/espruino","message":"MSG: GJTbH\xD0\x00","dup":0,"qos":0,"retain":0}
    topic: test/espruino
    message: MSG: GJTbHÐ
    makeid: pUTU1
    Uncaught Error: Field or method "topic" does not already exist, and can't create it on undefined
     at line 1 col 88
    ...lish",c),a.emit("message",c.topic,c.message);else if(d!==f.P...
    in function called from system
     at line 2 col 28
      console.log("topic: "+pub.topic);
    in function called from system
    MQTT unsupported packet type: 6
    makeid: 6QAbL
    {"topic":"test/espruino","message":"MSG: 6QAbL\xD0\x00","dup":0,"qos":0,"retain":0}
    topic: test/espruino
    message: MSG: 6QAbLÐ
    makeid: demXD
    topic: tes
    MQTT unsupported packet type: 7