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Member since Mar 2017 • Last active Apr 2017
  • 1 conversations

Interested in building OpenSource Epileptic seizure detection solutions to help my sister and other's with epilepsia

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    Thanks Gordon!

    I read on this site that Espruino Wifi can not access the WiFi module directly.

    Espruino WiFi's module is designed to work similarly to the ESP8266 native WiFi module, however you can't use the WiFi module directly. Eventually you will, however this is still in development.

    Does this mean I can't hook it up directly to a Raspberry Pi yet? Sorry I'm completely new developing hardware.

    Thanks for the suggestion of the EMG sensors. I have seen those before but they look a bit bulky. If I don't have much success I might have to go that way. I'm more looking for something like this https://www.coolcomponents.co.uk/en/emg-­detector.html where the cables give more freedom where to place the board.

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    Hi all,

    I'm new to the world of hacking with electronics and I am looking for some guidance.

    My sister suffers from epilepsia and I'm looking for ways of monitoring for seizures. The symptoms can range from strong muscle contraction to uncontrolled movement of limbs. I'm keen to try Muscle Electromyography to detect seizures. Basically it means I'll be continuously monitoring for spikes in the electric signal. I'm not sure yet if there is a need for something more sophisticated like a fast fourier transform but I'll deal with that later if the need arises.

    I was planning to hookup the EMG detector as described by James Cannan in his hackaday article to an Espruino Wifi and send the signal to a RapberryPi for analysis and raising the alarm is necessary. Three questions:

    1. Will the battery of the Espruino WiFi last a full night (~12 hr) when it is sampling at 1000 Hz and send data to the RaspberyyPi in real time? Let's assume we using a 16 bit integer, which means 16 * 1,000 = 16kb/sec transfer rate
    2. The alternative is to do the analysis on the Espruino and only send a WiFi signal to the RP when an alarm needs to be raised. Is there sufficient memory and CPU power on the Espruino to do this?
    3. If you don't think the Esperuino WiFi is up to the task is there anything else you can recommend. It has to be small enough to wear on the writs or upper arm.

    Many thanks for any suggestions!!

