Avatar for Fabio978


Member since Dec 2016 • Last active Jan 2017
  • 1 conversations

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  • in Puck.js, Pixl.js and MDBT42
    Avatar for Fabio978

    There is a free plugin for DroidScript and Puck.js

  • in Puck.js, Pixl.js and MDBT42
    Avatar for Fabio978

    Thanks @Gordon!
    I guessed it could be a limitation also because that bulb has a lot of custom UUIDs.
    I will try the battery trick but in this case i think it will be better to use array index as i already did, so i am sure i will point to the right service/characteristic.

  • in Puck.js, Pixl.js and MDBT42
    Avatar for Fabio978

    No that's not the problem, because i get the error on line 8 (of the "original" code, the code i posted is the workaround)

    return gatt.getPrimaryService("fff6fe25-469d-42bc-9179-b3a093f19032");
  • in Puck.js, Pixl.js and MDBT42
    Avatar for Fabio978

    Hi all,
    since i got my 2 Pucks, i am doing some experiment with BLE devices.
    I was tempted and i've bought an Awox BLE Color Bulb, but i'm having problem getting Primary Services.
    I am only able to use the first Primary Service "33160fb9-5b27-4e70-b0f8-ff411e3ae078" and its characteristic "217887f8-0af2-4002-9c05-24c9ecf71600", where sending 0 or 1 will turn the bulb off/on.
    There are at least 2 other Primary Service (discovered with nRF Connect), 1 for warm light brightness and 1 for RGB lights.
    Trying to use one of these, i receive the error on command gatt.PrimaryService("fff6fe25-469d-42bc-9179-b3a093f19032")

    Uncaught Error: Unhandled promise rejection: Error: Too many custom UUIDs already

    If i try gatt.PrimaryServices(), i get this

      BluetoothRemoteGATTService {
        "uuid": "0x1800",
        "isPrimary": true, "start_handle": 1, "end_handle": 11 },
      BluetoothRemoteGATTService {
        "uuid": "0x1801",
        "isPrimary": true, "start_handle": 12, "end_handle": 15 },
      BluetoothRemoteGATTService {
        "uuid": "0x180a",
        "isPrimary": true, "start_handle": 16, "end_handle": 30 },
      BluetoothRemoteGATTService {
        "uuid": "0x0000[vendor]",
        "isPrimary": true, "start_handle": 31, "end_handle": 49 },
      BluetoothRemoteGATTService {
        "uuid": "0x0000[vendor]",
        "isPrimary": true, "start_handle": 50, "end_handle": 64 },
      BluetoothRemoteGATTService {
        "uuid": "0x0000[vendor]",
        "isPrimary": true, "start_handle": 65, "end_handle": 85 },
      BluetoothRemoteGATTService {
        "uuid": "0x0000[vendor]",
        "isPrimary": true, "start_handle": 86, "end_handle": 65535 }

    Actually, yesterday i could correctly see at least the first PrimaryService UUID ("33160fb9-5b27-4e70-b0f8-ff411e3ae078"), so the only way i found to access other services is using gatt.PrimaryServices() and then use the array index of the service i need instead of using for example gatt.PrimaryService("fff6fe25-469d-42bc-9179-b3a093f19032")

    This is the portion of the (dirty) code i am using, just for testing purpose

    function connectToBulb(){
      console.log("Connecting to bulb...");
        connected = true;
        digitalPulse(LED3, 1, 500);
        gatt = g;
        return gatt.getPrimaryServices();
        return service[4].getCharacteristics(); // Equals to "fff6fe25-469d-42bc-9179-b3a093f19032"
        c[1].writeValue(0x7F); // Equals to "d8da934c-3d8f-4bdf-9230-f61295b69570"

    while using gatt.PrimaryService("fff6fe25-469d-42bc-9179-b3a093f19032") or gatt.getCharacteristic("d8da934c-3d8f-4bdf-9230-f61295b69570") are returning me the mentioned error.

    Am i doing something wrong?

  • in Puck.js, Pixl.js and MDBT42
    Avatar for Fabio978

    Yes, my "dirty workaround" was to add +1 hour in the code, more or less like you suggest, while creating the Date object.
    Didn't think about using setTime to make it "permanent".

  • in Puck.js, Pixl.js and MDBT42
    Avatar for Fabio978

    The Puck has its own RTC, and it's "synced" everytime you upload something from your pc.
    You can use if for example as an alarm clock (do something at given date/time), that's great!

  • in Puck.js, Pixl.js and MDBT42
    Avatar for Fabio978

    I have the same issue if "Save on send" is enabled.

    function tempTo2a6e(temp) {
      var f = parseFloat(temp.toFixed(2)) * 100;
      if (tempTo2a6e.buf === undefined) tempTo2a6e.buf = new Uint8Array(2);
      tempTo2a6e.buf[0] = f & 0xff;
      tempTo2a6e.buf[1] = f >> 8 & 0xff;
      return tempTo2a6e.buf;
    NRF.on('connect', function(){
      digitalPulse(LED2, 1, 250);
      0x181A: { // Health Thermometer
        0x2A6E: {  // Temperature
          readable: true,
          value : tempTo2a6e(E.getTemperature())
      0x180F : { // Battery Service
        0x2A19: {  // Battery Level
          readable: true,
          notify: true,
          value : [Puck.getBatteryPercentage()]
        0x181A: { // Health Thermometer
          0x2A6E: {  // Temperature
            value : tempTo2a6e(E.getTemperature())
        0x180F: {
          0x2A19: {
            value : [Puck.getBatteryPercentage()]
    }, 60000);

    After few seconds, i get this error:

    Writing...ERROR: Prompt not detected - upload failed. Trying to
    recover... Compressed 32000 bytes to 956 Checking... Flash Magic Byte
    is wrong There were 1 errors! Uncaught InternalError: Timeout on
    jshFlashErasePage at line 1 col 1005 ...\n }\n });\n},

  • in Puck.js, Pixl.js and MDBT42
    Avatar for Fabio978

    @dklinkman your code works very well! Thank you!

  • in Puck.js, Pixl.js and MDBT42
    Avatar for Fabio978

    Great find @dklinkman! I will try this tonight!
