Avatar for trezm


Member since Dec 2016 • Last active Dec 2016
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  • Avatar for trezm

    Circling back around on this, after playing with the pucks a few more days it seems like all the problems are resolved. I have no idea what was going on, but I'll update if I figure it out. Thanks for the help guys!

  • in Puck.js, Pixl.js and MDBT42
    Avatar for trezm

    Still can't figure out why my own example doesn't work when I change some bits, but just a note that line 43 should read

          if( typeof d.name !== "undefined" && d.name.indexOf( "Puck.js" ) === 0 ) {

    as typeof returns a string and you're not coercing type.

  • in Puck.js, Pixl.js and MDBT42
    Avatar for trezm

    Figured out the bug -- or maybe it's as planned and I just missed that part in the docs, but the issue happens when you are disconnected from the web ide. Here are my steps to reproduce:

    1. Upload code above to puck via Web IDE
    2. Try NFC (it should work)
    3. Click the top left button in the Web IDE, disconnecting the puck
    4. Try NFC (it should not work)
    5. Reconnect to the Web IDE
    6. Try NFC (it should now work again)

    Not sure if this is intended or what, but seems odd to me.

  • in Puck.js, Pixl.js and MDBT42
    Avatar for trezm

    I have two pucks so I can confirm on a second one when I get home. I've tried on both an Android 6P and an LG g4 and both have the same behavior.

    I'll start running some tests right now to see if I can figure out when exactly the NFC starts giving out. I'll also check my second puck when I get home.

  • in Puck.js, Pixl.js and MDBT42
    Avatar for trezm

    Basically a combination of the two, I use the following code:

    var isLightOn = false;
    NRF.on('NFCon', function() { LED1.write(true);});
    NRF.on('NFCoff', function() { LED1.write(false);});
    setWatch(function() {
      isLightOn = !isLightOn;
    }, BTN, { 

    And when I first hard reset the device it works on my Nexus 6P. If I wait, say, 15 minutes and try again, it no longer works (although the button press does.)

  • in Puck.js, Pixl.js and MDBT42
    Avatar for trezm

    I just received my pucks yesterday (love the build quality and feel btw,) and am having some problems with the NFC. Here are my current running details;

      "VERSION": "1v90",
      "BUILD_DATE": "Dec 16 2016",
      "BUILD_TIME": "14:49:15",
      "GIT_COMMIT": "5135ed57fe5f3a23e335896be41f283878087d15",
      "BOARD": "PUCKJS",
      "CHIP": "NRF52832",
      "CHIP_FAMILY": "NRF52",
      "FLASH": 524288, "RAM": 65536,
      "CONSOLE": "Bluetooth"

    It's looking like NFC works directly after a hard reset (i.e. taking the battery out, holding down the button, reinserting the battery and holding for 3 seconds.) After a few minutes, however, it stops working. Even resetting/reuploading the code via the IDE does not work.

    Any ideas?
