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Hi, thanks for the great post! I'm trying to get this going on a BBC MicroBit with Espruino v1.89 but running in to an Out of Memory error.
If I use this snippet, there's no issue and Chrome detects the beacon on my iOS device:
NRF.setAdvertising({ 0xFEAA : [ 0x10, // frame_type (URL) 0xEE, // the RSSI dBm we've measured for this beacon 1 meter away 0x03, // 3 = https:// 'g','o','o','.','g','l','/','t','Z','W','U','U','X' ] }, {interval:100,discoverable:true,showName:false});
However, if I use this snippet, I get the Out of Memory error when it finishes sending:
NRF.setAdvertising([0x03, // Length of Service List 0x03, // Param: Service List 0xAA, 0xFE, // Eddystone ID 0x13, // Length of Service Data 0x16, // Service Data 0xAA, 0xFE, // Eddystone ID 0x10, // Frame type: URL 0xF8, // Power 0x03, // https:// 'g','o','o','.','g','l','/','B','3','J','0','O','c'], {interval:100});
Any thoughts?
As soon as I posted that, I realised the difference is that the first explicitly sets the service UUID, where as the second snippet does not.
If I update the second snippet to the following, it still seems to give the same error: