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Member since May 2016 • Last active Aug 2016
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    Sorry... it seems be more important : programming with the Code editor don't work now...
    I re-install the drivers and the firmware... I can connect the espruino pico but I have always the error "prompt..." when I send to the espruino.
    Could you help me ?
    Thank you and best regards

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    Avatar for Gerald

    I try the Graphical designer (blocks) for a workshop with kids... unfortunately I cannot program the Espruino pico directely with the Graphical designer. I have always an error : "Prompt not detected..." (see printscreen above).
    Could you help me ?
    Thank you and best regards

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    Hi Gordon,

    Have you some news from ST about this problem of consumption ?

    Best regards

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    OK... rather good news if you get the same thing as me :)
    Thank you to see with ST... because, for an embedded system, it's a little bit annoying to have to connect the USB and reprogram before using the battery !!!

    300uA is in the values I mesured... there are many variations for this "strange mode"

    So... wait and see :)

    Thanks and best regards

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    Hi Gordon,
    Sorry, I have checked my setup and all is OK with GND. I observe the following points :
    1) I save the code, set deep sleep, disconnect USB and the consumption is about 30uA : OK
    2) I disconnect the battery and reconnect it : the consumption increases to 600uA
    3) I reconnect USB and connect the board (with IDE) and set deep sleep : always 600uA
    4) The only way to obtain 30uA is to restart with point 1

    I have done these 4 points with and without B6 and B7 to GND. The best result is without.
    I also tested with B6 and B7 „digitalRead“ or not… the problem is the same.

    The firmware is 1v85.227 (I hope the link above is OK) and the code is :

    setInterval(function() {
      digitalWrite(LED1, 1);
      setTimeout(function () {
        digitalWrite(LED1, 0);
      }, 20);
    }, 10000);

    Thank you for your help !

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    Thank you Gordon, now I have a consumption of about 20uA even if I disconnect the USB. But... if I disconnect the battery and I reconnect it the consumption increases to about 550uA. It's better but not enough for my purpose. Could you do something ?

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    Thank you Gordon... but, sorry, I have another problem now : when I download (with Chrome) the firmware with your link above, it is impossible to reconnect the pico (LED red ON)... The only way to restart it is to download the old 1.85... Have you an idea ?

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    Hi Gordon,

    Have you some news about this problem of consumption ?

    Best regards

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    Yes, the Pico still works with 700uA. It seems that an IO is in an undefined state (the state is momentary fixed with the USB and undefined at start with the battery).
