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Member since Apr 2016 • Last active Apr 2016
  • 1 conversations

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  • in ESP8266
    Avatar for user64299

    After going through samples, I found that ESPRuino needs SD card to store the files. I remember either with smart.js or NodeMCU Lua firmware, I was able to have file, that can be listed, including init.lua without SD card.

    Any pointer to store files without SD card would be great, I have no experience in hardware to connect SD card.

  • in ESP8266
    Avatar for user64299

    @Gordon, You are right, I had bad baudrate, Thanks a lot saving me.

    Little more information.

    1. How do I store static files like images into ESP, serve them via HTTP?
    2. How do I store JSON file which can be opened and parsed by JavaScript code.

    I am trying to store angular.js within ESPruino, run simple REST service along with static index.html file, angular.js files on ESPruino, to run a simple web server with REST background.

    I learned that all the required modules are automatically uploaded to ESPruino after minimizing it, but not sure how to store and serve files externally.

  • in ESP8266
    Avatar for user64299


    Thanks for tips. I launched Web IDE (Chrome), could connect to the device over serial port. Also send Code was succeeded after few failed attempts ("got errors like prompt not found").

    I was not able to type in the terminal on the left side, also I could not see my console.log statement outputs over serial port.

    Instead I connected to 'Flash'n'Chips' from smart.js, I could write statements like

    setInterval(function(){console.log("Hello");}, 1000) could print "Hello" for every second, I could see over terminal.

    Can I type code in command prompt/console shown left side of the IDE? To me, typing is not working on command prompt, also console.log on the device is not printed.

    ü !!¡1ÿ¿ö¿T¦ÒÒÿÿáô3ïžèVÆD½0ERROR: Prompt not detected - upload failed. Trying to recover...
    ERROR: Prompt not detected - upload failed. Trying to recover...
    ü"(„BÂT”¾Ð¾×c31çõþÿ‡!å¶ç!֟+Bæ‹ERROR: Prompt not detected - upload failed. Trying to recover...
    ERROR: Prompt not detected - upload failed. Trying to recover...

    Another newbie question, to connect over ssh, how do I know the IP address of the ESP module running Espruino?

  • in ESP8266
    Avatar for user64299

    I am using NodeMCU with ESPruino, I could blink few LEDs successfully, but really facing tough time with ESPruino, without much document on JS on NodeMCUs.

    I don't know how to upload files like DHT11.js to NodeMCU, can you please give some pointers and tutorials on ESPruino with NodeMCU? I tries google a lot, able to upload the firmware, blink LEd, looking forward to use file uploads. I tries uploading files on Lua Firmware, it was working, also tried with Smart.js, I could make file upload possible with their GUI tool.

    Please help me with useful resources on ESPruino and JavaScript on NodeMCU.
