Avatar for goto10


Member since Feb 2016 • Last active Jan 2017
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    Hey- saw your post over here: http://forum.espruino.com/comments/12537­960/
    and was wondering if you could send instructions/pic for cutting the trace?


    : j

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    Thanks for the quick reply!

    Uh oh- it looks like it has... How do I fix it?

    : j

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    Avatar for goto10

    Hey- I'm having some trouble getting my Espruino working again.

    I've been programming it on and off for a couple weeks now, but today I plugged it in and just got one red blink from the LED. I held down the reset button when plugging it it and got solid red and green, which the troubleshooting guide says is an ok boot loader, but no connection. I'm on a Mac and have had no driver issues so far, so I doubt it's that, and it's plugged directly into my computer, so it's not a cable.

    Any ideas? dead board?

    Thank you in advance for your help!

    : jesse
