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Some tutorial had mentioned save() so I tried it, and it worked. But that saved program was what was conflicting with doing some, but not all, other things, as you suggested.
So far the only way I can think of to reset the Pico is to brute force reset() then save(). My guess is there should be a better way, so I have to just look for it.
Now the IDE tutorial and the Pico Buttons tutorial both work exactly as they should. I am happy to find out that it was operator error and nothing wrong with the hardware.
Thank you again for your help.
Thank you for the prompt reply.
It was confusing to me, having just received the Pico, about what procedure worked and what didn't work, about unplugging, "cannot communicate," using reset(), starting over, and so on. Maybe a sentence or so somewhere early in the process would be helpful. I did forum and Google searches on the Web IDE error "cannot communicate" (or whatever the exact message was), but never found anything. I just stumbled around until figuring it out.
I am using Windows, and the Pico shows up as (only) COM24, which surprised me, as I am up into COM90+ with all the toys I have (many versions of Arduino, Raspberry Pi, MBED, PIC and so on).
The tutorial with the flash function that didn't work was the Chrome app Web IDE one. The IDE tutorial is a pain sometimes, since it is interactive only, so when anything goes wrong, like a typo, it seemed like I had to start over from step one. I'll try it again once I clean things up.
I did reset() and stopping the web IDE and stopping PuTTY several times and then trying things again, and digitalPulse was the only function that didn't work, no matter what. The IDE tutorial is a pain sometimes as when anything goes wrong, like a typo, it seemed like I had to start over from step one.
I'll try again to make everything as clean as possible and try the Pico Buttons tutorial once more.
Thanks also for deleting the github post, since that was the "contact us" link which I found at the bottom of the Pico Buttons tutorial, and then later thought the forum might be more appropriate.
I assumed there were some differences among the original Esprunio board and the Pico, as well as the Pico v1.3 and v1.4 versions, and perhaps the latest firmware, that might account for the problems I was having.
Thank you again for your help.
I received my Espruino Pico v1.4 from Seed Studio.
I ran the Web IDE inside Chrome and updated the firmware to version 1v84. Besides the Chrome app, I used PuTTY, and both worked OK.
In the IDE tutorial, after entering the flash() function, and receiving the correct function added message, running the function only turns on the red LED. It doesn't flash.
When trying the Pico Buttons tutorial, most things worked, except that any function with digitalPulse fails. The two external buttons work OK, as when I changed the function to use digitalWrite instead of digitalPulse, the second external switch would light both LEDs 1 & 2.
Trying digitalPulse(LED1, 1, 500) on a command line would turn on the LED, but only that. It would never pulse.
In the FAQ, under "When I type a command, why does Espruino print '=undefined'?," your first example, >analogRead(D0), tries an analogRead to a digital pin (D0), giving an error message. How you ever got the result =0.0324 is a mystery.
Thus, the problems are digitalPulse not working properly, followed by the tutorial flash() not flashing, and the minor FAQ error.
Thank you
DrAzzy, Thank you for your kind assistance.