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Downloaded the latest github zip v88 and compiled as LINUX on Ubuntu 16.04 (32bit) and Raspberry PI.
Both compiled successfully.
Linux doing ./espruino gives sanity check int-float-int error.
Linux running simple script================================== var t1 = 1000.0; var t5 = 5000.0; var v1 = setInterval(function () { console.log("Hello World"); }, t1); var v2 = setInterval(function () { console.log("Hello World also"); }, t5); console.log("Starting"); console.log("And more"); while(1) { var t = getTime() + 1; console.log(t); while(getTime() < t); } ===================================
Linux gives segmentation fault after sanity check error.
The problem also is on earlier version v87 where I managed to compile in DEBUG mode for Ubuntu. My limited checks indicates that the jswrap_interactive around line 453 (v87) is looking for an array which dos not exist. Hence the segmentation fault.Running ./espruino on raspberry no sanity check problem.
The above program however loops on the while printing every second but the setIntervals never appear. Changing t1 and t5 to 1 and 5 makes no difference.
It appears that the main loop never lets the Interval code get a look in.
Thanks will discontinue 32 bit linux work