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Gordon, thank you. I could not get it to work. I will be away 3 days.
I was seeking a solution to get this simple test snippet to run, when not connected to a USB port of a computer. As I understood, the Serial port will be on USB by default. And on Serial1 by Default if unplugged. So this blocks my device (HM10). So I would like to set to USB or Serial2. I could not get it to work. I ll check later on it.Serial=Serial1 Serial.setup(9600); Serial.on('data', function (data) { console.log(data); if (data==='1'){ LED1.write(1); Serial.print("test\n"); } if (data==='0'){ LED1.write(0); } if (data==='d'){ LED2.write(1); Serial.print("sensor: t="+temp_act+", p="+press_act+", h="+hum_act); LED2.write(0); }