SOLVED Constant Transmission and Fixed Channel

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  • Hi All,

    We're have a product using an Espruino MDBT42Q, and are looking at running tests in service of the RED (Radio Equipment Directive; an EU thing).

    A test house has come back asking if the device can be made to constantly transmit on the lowest, middle, and highest frequency channels one by one (which for BLE would be channels 37, 17, and 39 respectively).

    I've looked through the software reference and found the useful 'setTxPower' function, but is there a way to do either or both of constant transmission (doesn't have to be intelligible data) and transmitting over a fixed channel?

  • Hi! I'm afraid there's nothing built into Espruino that'd give you that level of control.

    For the test house, the best thing to do would be to use the example hex file that Nordic themselves provide. In Nordic SDK12 there is a file called examples/peripheral/radio_test/hex/radio­_test_pca10040.hex which is the precompiled firmware for the DK. It uses the same UART RX/TX pins that we mark on the MDBT42Q so if you've use those, you can connect a serial terminal and then it provides a simple command-line interface where you can tell it exactly what you want to do.

  • Had a look at that example, and it seems to be exactly what I need! Thank you. Now to dig out the NRF52-DK...

    Is it simple enough to get Espruino back on the chip?

  • Is it simple enough to get Espruino back on the chip?

    Yes, absolutely. It's just a matter of flashing the hex file for the version you want back over. If you're after a particular version drop me an email and I'll send it over.

    However you may also be able to flash the radio test over the air by DFU (in which case you can just flash back by DFU too) I'm not 100% sure if it'll work, but maybe give the attached a try!

    1 Attachment

  • Flashing via DFU didn't work (the file sent over ok on the app, but nothing happened).
    Programming via the J-link on the nRF DK board didn't work either (which was odd).

    But I found a J-Link Ultra+, and that programmed it just fine. The radio demo seems to be working - thank you for the help.

    The current board doesn't have a programming header per-se, so one unit will be kept as the 'radio test unit'. No need for the Espruino .hex, but thanks for offering.

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SOLVED Constant Transmission and Fixed Channel

Posted by Avatar for user135646 @user135646
