I've been thinking about simplifying the Gadgetbridge Music Controls app (gbmusic):
Get rid of the left/right touch areas, and instead just treat any touch as "toggle play/pause". You could still change tracks by either swiping, or multi-pressing the physical middle button.
Remove the date+time, I figure those haven't got much to do with music, and you can add widgets
(widcal/widclk) to see them while the app is open instead.
Where I said "thinking about", I meant my watch is running the simplified version, but I wonder how other people feel about those changes?
Basically my problem is
I would like my changes to enter the official repo
I don't want to open a PR to strip out stuff other users would miss
Putting it all behind some settings would be possible, but far from ideal
Creating a "Somewhat Simplified Gadgetbridge Music Controls" app doesn't seem like a good solution either
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I've been thinking about simplifying the Gadgetbridge Music Controls app (gbmusic):
(widcal/widclk) to see them while the app is open instead.
Where I said "thinking about", I meant my watch is running the simplified version, but I wonder how other people feel about those changes?
Basically my problem is
Edit: created a PR