• Hi there,
    I have 3 android phones with broken gps (hardware). I need gps for some apps and I'm on the edge of buying an external gps to solve that, but that sounds stupid considering I should receive a bangle.js2 soon. There's probably a way to use it as a mock service for my Android phone no ? Can anyone help ? I probably have to mention that I don't code.

  • Yes, it should be possible to do.

    It seems there is a Bluetooth Navigation Service (0x1819). Right now I don't see much information about it, but if someone is able to find out what data needs to be set in the Bluetooth services, creating an app to implement that should be pretty easy.

  • Thanks for the answer Gordon,
    I know you're super busy. About your answer, hmm... anyone interested in helping out :) ?
    I'm not sure whether it helps, but there's a seven years old alpha app in Fdroid called RtkGps that uses RTKLIB to connect an external GPS via bluetooth to Android phone. There's also BlueGps in Fdroid, but also 8 years without any update ! That could be a perfect occasion for me to start learning how to code, but I have no spare time before months.
    Still, I need a gps on my phone.

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Using Bangle.js2's gps as a position provider for an android phone

Posted by Avatar for Fteacher @Fteacher
