• #2
Wed 2020.02.05
Hello @user109289 and thank you for your interest and purchase of Espruino Puck's. While it might be somewhat frustrating, attempting to reflash a device, the instructions have been used by many successfully, but I found it a bit intimidating attempting to grasp which mode the device was in and at what time.
'If you take battery out and put back in and don't touch button'
After flashing, what LED's flashed as the battery is re-inserted?
After flashing, had a 'Hard Reset' been performed?http://www.espruino.com/Puck.js#hard-reset
While I don't have a Puck handy, and would have to perform the following from memory, I shall be checking back here over the next three hours, say every half hour or so. It's 17:30 CST
I'll re-read the flash steps to refresh my memory, but in the mean time, has a re-flash been attempted? Has a flash of an older version of Espruino been tried? (just to rule out any new version un-validated anomalies)
Start here, move to parent directory:
It will be necessary to search by date, such as '2019-12'
• #3
when battery inserted now no lights blink at all. If you press the button the green light comes on and stays on and will not go off until battery pulled and put back in.
It won't allow Hard Reset now. No matter how long I hold the button down while inserting the battery the light just stays green now after flashing.
I am new to this device but have been flashing devices for over 20 years. I followed the instructions precisely.
Thank you very much for your assistance.
• #4
Yes I did try to go back a version to re-attempt flash with one version back. Have not tried more than one back.
• #5
I do want to mention again that during the flash process through android, at the end when it gets to 100% (blue light lit on puck) the blue light goes out and the android software says it has disconnected from puck and upload failed.
• #6
'when battery inserted now no lights blink at all'
Might be as a non-complete flash may have occurred.
'If you press the button the green light comes on and stays on'
Do the other three LED's blink at all, after the green LED is seen?
Is it possible the battery may have drained below a threshold to allow suitable flashing?
Two Puck's were mentioned in post #1, has the other battery, or a different battery been tried? Has the other device been tried? (I'd hold off on flashing the latter for now so that we have a working unit to compare with)
Let's agree to use the term 'blink' for LED indication and leave the term 'flash' for the actual process. Just corrected myself as I tripped up on that. . . . -
• #7
I tried the procedure on the second one and I have same result exactly.
I have just been able to connect via nRF Logger and captured a debug file I could email you.If I scan in nRF Logger I see "DfuTarg". I hit connect and it connects and the puck LED changes from solid green to solid blue. From there I can see logs.
Other than that that is the only two color changes I get after flashing not matter what I try.
• #8
Also, when I hit disconnect from "DfuTarg" the LED on the puck goes from blue back to solid green.
• #9
'The red LED should then flash, indicating that Puck.js had rebooted'
Is the Red LED ever seen after re-inserting the battery?
The Blu LED seems to be consistent with BLE connectivity, so my best guess at this time is the device did not complete the flash process, also confirmed in post #5.
Try first:'Release the button within 3 seconds of inserting the battery - either the Red LED should light instead or on new Puck.js devices, Green will light more brightly. If it doesn't, you'll need to try again, holding the button down for less time after inserting the battery.'
I've not done a re-flash with a newer version of Espruino. Would it be accurate to state that the Red LED is never seen, but the Grn LED glows more brightly?
Try second; For a Hard Reset'Perform the steps for a Reset (see above) but keep the button held for around 10 seconds.
The green LED should light, followed by all 3 LEDs, then the red LED will blink 5 times.'Really hold down for ten seconds, count out loud so I can hear you! ;-)
Would it be correct that all three LED's never illuminate?
'via nRF Logger and captured a debug file I could email you'
Is the file too large to just upload/insert here?
While @Gordon may have a small amount of time to break away from his dedication to the Bangle Kickstarter, it will be at least 12 hours from now GMT at the earliest, and more likely 18 or later, before his expertise could be used. He may have you email should that be necessary.
It may not be relavant, but where\distributor was the purchase made, and when\date time frame? (to isolate battery age, Espruino version flashed and possible unlikely hardware changes) -
• #10
Is the Red LED ever seen after re-inserting the battery?
NoI've not done a re-flash with a newer version of Espruino. Would it be accurate to state that the Red LED is never seen, but the Grn LED glows more brightly?
Before I flashed it there was a red light that blinked when battery inserted, now no.Tried 2nd hard reset, no matter how long I hold the button down on battery insert no other lights except mid green, when let go goes brighter green.
here is debug file:
nRF Connect, 2020-02-05
DfuTarg (F8:6D:AC:A3:79:BD)
D 14:29:54.498 [Broadcast] Action received: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_CONNECTED
V 14:29:54.598 Connecting to F8:6D:AC:A3:79:BD...
D 14:29:54.598 gatt = device.connectGatt(autoConnect = false, TRANSPORT_LE, opportunistic = true, preferred PHY = LE 1M) (hidden)
D 15:21:12.326 [Broadcast] Action received: android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED, state changed to TURNING OFF
I 15:21:12.440 Disconnected
D 15:21:12.441 gatt.close()
D 15:21:12.447 wait(200)
D 15:21:12.864 [Broadcast] Action received: android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED, state changed to OFF
D 16:18:53.233 [Broadcast] Action received: android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED, state changed to TURNING ON
D 16:18:53.541 [Broadcast] Action received: android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED, state changed to ON
V 16:19:14.406 Connecting to F8:6D:AC:A3:79:BD...
D 16:19:14.406 gatt = device.connectGatt(autoConnect = false, TRANSPORT_LE, preferred PHY = LE 1M)
D 16:19:14.617 [Callback] Connection state changed with status: 0 and new state: CONNECTED (2)
I 16:19:14.618 Connected to F8:6D:AC:A3:79:BD
D 16:19:14.618 [Broadcast] Action received: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_CONNECTED
V 16:19:14.652 Discovering services...
D 16:19:14.652 gatt.discoverServices()
I 16:19:15.145 Connection parameters updated (interval: 16.25ms, latency: 0, timeout: 4000ms)
I 16:19:15.263 Connection parameters updated (interval: 7.5ms, latency: 0, timeout: 5000ms)
D 16:19:15.311 [Callback] Services discovered with status: 0
I 16:19:15.311 Services discovered
V 16:19:15.325 Generic Access (0x1800)- Device Name R W
- Appearance R
- Peripheral Preferred Connection Parameters R
- Central Address Resolution R
Generic Attribute (0x1801)
Secure DFU Service (0xFE59) - DFU Packet WNR
- DFU Control Point N W
Client Characteristic Configuration (0x2902)
I 16:19:15.370 Connection parameters updated (interval: 16.25ms, latency: 0, timeout: 4000ms)
I 16:19:15.875 Connection parameters updated (interval: 16.25ms, latency: 0, timeout: 4000ms)
V 16:19:44.871 Starting pairing...
D 16:19:44.872 device.createBond()
D 16:19:44.924 [Broadcast] Action received: android.bluetooth.device.action.BOND_STATE_CHANGED, bond state changed to: BOND_BONDING (11)
D 16:19:44.960 [Broadcast] Action received: android.bluetooth.device.action.BOND_STATE_CHANGED, bond state changed to: BOND_NONE (10)
I 16:19:44.960 Bonding failed
D 16:19:47.982 [Callback] Connection state changed with status: 22 and new state: DISCONNECTED (0)
E 16:19:47.982 Error 22 (0x16): GATT CONN TERMINATE LOCAL HOST
I 16:19:47.983 Disconnected
D 16:19:48.032 [Broadcast] Action received: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED
D 16:19:52.143 gatt.close()
D 16:19:52.148 wait(200)
V 16:19:52.350 Connecting to F8:6D:AC:A3:79:BD...
D 16:19:52.351 gatt = device.connectGatt(autoConnect = false, TRANSPORT_LE, preferred PHY = LE 1M)
D 16:19:52.530 [Broadcast] Action received: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_CONNECTED
D 16:19:52.548 [Callback] Connection state changed with status: 0 and new state: CONNECTED (2)
I 16:19:52.548 Connected to F8:6D:AC:A3:79:BD
V 16:19:52.557 Discovering services...
D 16:19:52.557 gatt.discoverServices()
I 16:19:53.320 Connection parameters updated (interval: 16.25ms, latency: 0, timeout: 4000ms)
I 16:19:53.442 Connection parameters updated (interval: 7.5ms, latency: 0, timeout: 5000ms)
D 16:19:53.462 [Callback] Services discovered with status: 0
I 16:19:53.462 Services discovered
V 16:19:53.476 Generic Access (0x1800) - Device Name R W
- Appearance R
- Peripheral Preferred Connection Parameters R
- Central Address Resolution R
Generic Attribute (0x1801)
Secure DFU Service (0xFE59) - DFU Packet WNR
- DFU Control Point N W
Client Characteristic Configuration (0x2902)
I 16:19:53.497 Connection parameters updated (interval: 16.25ms, latency: 0, timeout: 4000ms)
I 16:19:54.053 Connection parameters updated (interval: 16.25ms, latency: 0, timeout: 4000ms)
V 16:20:37.414 Reading characteristic 00002a04-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
D 16:20:37.414 gatt.readCharacteristic(00002a04-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
I 16:20:37.456 Read Response received from 00002a04-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb, value: (0x) 0C-00-18-00-00-00-90-01
A 16:20:37.456 "Connection Interval: 15.00ms - 30.00ms,
Slave Latency: 0,
Supervision Timeout Multiplier: 400" received
V 16:20:40.817 Reading characteristic 00002a01-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
D 16:20:40.817 gatt.readCharacteristic(00002a01-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
I 16:20:40.852 Read Response received from 00002a01-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb, value: (0x) 00-00
A 16:20:40.852 "[0] Unknown" received
V 16:20:56.258 Reading characteristic 00002a00-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
D 16:20:56.258 gatt.readCharacteristic(00002a00-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
I 16:20:56.303 Read Response received from 00002a00-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb, value: (0x) 44-66-75-54-61-72-67, "DfuTarg"
A 16:20:56.303 "DfuTarg" received
V 16:21:01.678 Reading characteristic 00002a01-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
D 16:21:01.678 gatt.readCharacteristic(00002a01-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
I 16:21:01.715 Read Response received from 00002a01-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb, value: (0x) 00-00
A 16:21:01.715 "[0] Unknown" received
V 16:21:02.626 Reading characteristic 00002a01-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
D 16:21:02.626 gatt.readCharacteristic(00002a01-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
I 16:21:02.657 Read Response received from 00002a01-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb, value: (0x) 00-00
A 16:21:02.657 "[0] Unknown" received
V 16:21:03.296 Reading characteristic 00002a01-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
D 16:21:03.296 gatt.readCharacteristic(00002a01-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
I 16:21:03.323 Read Response received from 00002a01-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb, value: (0x) 00-00
A 16:21:03.323 "[0] Unknown" received
V 16:21:04.996 Reading characteristic 00002a04-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
D 16:21:04.996 gatt.readCharacteristic(00002a04-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
I 16:21:05.030 Read Response received from 00002a04-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb, value: (0x) 0C-00-18-00-00-00-90-01
A 16:21:05.030 "Connection Interval: 15.00ms - 30.00ms,
Slave Latency: 0,
Supervision Timeout Multiplier: 400" received
V 16:21:06.747 Reading characteristic 00002a04-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
D 16:21:06.747 gatt.readCharacteristic(00002a04-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
I 16:21:06.785 Read Response received from 00002a04-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb, value: (0x) 0C-00-18-00-00-00-90-01
A 16:21:06.785 "Connection Interval: 15.00ms - 30.00ms,
Slave Latency: 0,
Supervision Timeout Multiplier: 400" received
V 16:21:16.219 Reading characteristic 00002aa6-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
D 16:21:16.219 gatt.readCharacteristic(00002aa6-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
I 16:21:16.259 Read Response received from 00002aa6-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb, value: (0x) 01
A 16:21:16.259 "Address resolution supported" received
V 16:21:32.628 Enabling notifications for 8ec90001-f315-4f60-9fb8-838830daea50
D 16:21:32.628 gatt.setCharacteristicNotification(8ec90001-f315-4f60-9fb8-838830daea50, true)
D 16:21:32.630 gatt.writeDescriptor(00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb, value=0x0100)
I 16:21:32.654 Data written to descr. 00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb, value: (0x) 01-00
A 16:21:32.654 "Notifications enabled" sent
V 16:21:32.665 Notifications enabled for 8ec90001-f315-4f60-9fb8-838830daea50
V 16:21:36.564 Disabling notifications for 8ec90001-f315-4f60-9fb8-838830daea50
D 16:21:36.564 gatt.setCharacteristicNotification(8ec90001-f315-4f60-9fb8-838830daea50, false)
D 16:21:36.565 gatt.writeDescriptor(00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb, value=0x0000)
I 16:21:36.603 Data written to descr. 00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb, value: (0x) 00-00
A 16:21:36.603 "Notifications and indications disabled" sent
V 16:21:36.606 Notifications and indications disabled for 8ec90001-f315-4f60-9fb8-838830daea50
V 16:21:38.382 Reading descriptor 00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
D 16:21:38.382 gatt.readDescriptor(00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
I 16:21:38.409 Read Response received from descr. 00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb, value: (0x) 00-00
A 16:21:38.409 "Notifications and indications disabled" received
V 16:21:40.384 Reading descriptor 00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
D 16:21:40.384 gatt.readDescriptor(00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
I 16:21:40.421 Read Response received from descr. 00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb, value: (0x) 00-00
A 16:21:40.422 "Notifications and indications disabled" received
V 16:22:37.063 Disconnecting...
D 16:22:37.063 gatt.disconnect()
D 16:22:37.083 [Callback] Connection state changed with status: 0 and new state: DISCONNECTED (0)
I 16:22:37.084 Disconnected
D 16:22:38.120 [Broadcast] Action received: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED
D 16:22:45.218 gatt.close()
D 16:22:45.223 wait(200)
V 16:22:45.426 Connecting to F8:6D:AC:A3:79:BD...
D 16:22:45.427 gatt = device.connectGatt(autoConnect = false, TRANSPORT_LE, preferred PHY = LE 1M)
D 16:22:45.617 [Broadcast] Action received: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_CONNECTED
D 16:22:45.632 [Callback] Connection state changed with status: 0 and new state: CONNECTED (2)
I 16:22:45.632 Connected to F8:6D:AC:A3:79:BD
V 16:22:45.656 Discovering services...
D 16:22:45.656 gatt.discoverServices()
I 16:22:46.392 Connection parameters updated (interval: 16.25ms, latency: 0, timeout: 4000ms)
I 16:22:46.503 Connection parameters updated (interval: 7.5ms, latency: 0, timeout: 5000ms)
D 16:22:46.519 [Callback] Services discovered with status: 0
I 16:22:46.519 Services discovered
V 16:22:46.530 Generic Access (0x1800) - Device Name R W
- Appearance R
- Peripheral Preferred Connection Parameters R
- Central Address Resolution R
Generic Attribute (0x1801)
Secure DFU Service (0xFE59) - DFU Packet WNR
- DFU Control Point N W
Client Characteristic Configuration (0x2902)
I 16:22:46.562 Connection parameters updated (interval: 16.25ms, latency: 0, timeout: 4000ms)
I 16:22:47.118 Connection parameters updated (interval: 16.25ms, latency: 0, timeout: 4000ms)
- Device Name R W
• #11
'I hold the button down on battery insert no other lights except mid green, when let go goes brighter green.'
Is the upload/re-flash process able to be started at the point the Grn LED illuminates the brighter green?
I'm at step 5
• #12
if you hold down button while inserting battery and let off after 1 second it does go from green to brighter green.
If you just place battery in no lights turn on and you get no signal. if you push button just breifly the brighter green light comes on and is discoverable at "DfuTarg" -
• #13
holding the button down shorter or longer seems to have no effect after flash
• #14
Here is some node red debug too:
2/5/2020, 5:14:20 PMnode: 3ff089d7.fdc376
/ble/advertise/da:3e:fe:f9:4f:cc : msg.payload : string[53]
2/5/2020, 5:14:20 PMnode: 3ff089d7.fdc376
/ble/advertise/da:3e:fe:f9:4f:cc/rssi : msg.payload : string[3]
2/5/2020, 5:14:21 PMnode: 3ff089d7.fdc376
/ble/advertise/f8:6d:ac:a3:79:bd : msg.payload : string[53]
2/5/2020, 5:14:22 PMnode: 3ff089d7.fdc376
/ble/advertise/f8:6d:ac:a3:79:bd/rssi : msg.payload : string[3]
2/5/2020, 5:14:23 PMnode: 3ff089d7.fdc376
/ble/advertise/f8:f0:05:a1:d3:f8 : msg.payload : string[88]
"{"rssi":-97,"name":"RIDGID Battery","serviceUuids":[],"manufacturerData":"c30201000201"}"
2/5/2020, 5:14:24 PMnode: 3ff089d7.fdc376
/ble/advertise/f8:f0:05:a1:d3:f8/manufacturer/02c3 : msg.payload : string[10]
2/5/2020, 5:14:25 PMnode: 3ff089d7.fdc376
/ble/advertise/f8:f0:05:a1:d3:f8/rssi : msg.payload : string[3]
2/5/2020, 5:14:36 PMnode: 3ff089d7.fdc376
/ble/advertise/f8:6d:ac:a3:79:bd : msg.payload : string[53]
2/5/2020, 5:14:36 PMnode: 3ff089d7.fdc376
/ble/advertise/f8:6d:ac:a3:79:bd/rssi : msg.payload : string[3]
2/5/2020, 5:14:37 PMnode: 3ff089d7.fdc376
/ble/advertise/da:3e:fe:f9:4f:cc : msg.payload : string[53]
2/5/2020, 5:14:38 PMnode: 3ff089d7.fdc376
/ble/advertise/da:3e:fe:f9:4f:cc/rssi : msg.payload : string[3]
2/5/2020, 5:14:52 PMnode: 3ff089d7.fdc376
/ble/advertise/da:3e:fe:f9:4f:cc : msg.payload : string[53]
2/5/2020, 5:14:52 PMnode: 3ff089d7.fdc376
/ble/advertise/da:3e:fe:f9:4f:cc/rssi : msg.payload : string[3]
2/5/2020, 5:14:53 PMnode: 3ff089d7.fdc376
/ble/advertise/f8:6d:ac:a3:79:bd : msg.payload : string[53]
2/5/2020, 5:14:54 PMnode: 3ff089d7.fdc376
/ble/advertise/f8:6d:ac:a3:79:bd/rssi : msg.payload : string[3]
2/5/2020, 5:15:08 PMnode: 3ff089d7.fdc376
/ble/advertise/da:3e:fe:f9:4f:cc : msg.payload : string[53]
2/5/2020, 5:15:08 PMnode: 3ff089d7.fdc376
/ble/advertise/da:3e:fe:f9:4f:cc/rssi : msg.payload : string[3]
2/5/2020, 5:15:09 PMnode: 3ff089d7.fdc376
/ble/advertise/f8:6d:ac:a3:79:bd : msg.payload : string[53]
2/5/2020, 5:15:10 PMnode: 3ff089d7.fdc376
/ble/advertise/f8:6d:ac:a3:79:bd/rssi : msg.payload : string[3]
2/5/2020, 5:15:24 PMnode: 3ff089d7.fdc376
/ble/advertise/da:3e:fe:f9:4f:cc : msg.payload : string[53]
2/5/2020, 5:15:24 PMnode: 3ff089d7.fdc376
/ble/advertise/da:3e:fe:f9:4f:cc/rssi : msg.payload : string[3]
2/5/2020, 5:15:25 PMnode: 3ff089d7.fdc376
/ble/advertise/f8:6d:ac:a3:79:bd : msg.payload : string[53]
2/5/2020, 5:15:26 PMnode: 3ff089d7.fdc376
/ble/advertise/f8:6d:ac:a3:79:bd/rssi : msg.payload : string[3]
2/5/2020, 5:15:40 PMnode: 3ff089d7.fdc376
/ble/advertise/f8:6d:ac:a3:79:bd : msg.payload : string[53]
2/5/2020, 5:15:40 PMnode: 3ff089d7.fdc376
/ble/advertise/f8:6d:ac:a3:79:bd/rssi : msg.payload : string[3]
2/5/2020, 5:15:41 PMnode: 3ff089d7.fdc376
/ble/advertise/da:3e:fe:f9:4f:cc : msg.payload : string[53]
2/5/2020, 5:15:42 PMnode: 3ff089d7.fdc376
/ble/advertise/da:3e:fe:f9:4f:cc/rssi : msg.payload : string[3]
2/5/2020, 5:15:56 PMnode: 3ff089d7.fdc376
/ble/advertise/da:3e:fe:f9:4f:cc : msg.payload : string[53]
2/5/2020, 5:15:56 PMnode: 3ff089d7.fdc376
/ble/advertise/da:3e:fe:f9:4f:cc/rssi : msg.payload : string[3]
2/5/2020, 5:15:57 PMnode: 3ff089d7.fdc376
/ble/advertise/f8:6d:ac:a3:79:bd : msg.payload : string[53]
2/5/2020, 5:15:58 PMnode: 3ff089d7.fdc376
/ble/advertise/f8:6d:ac:a3:79:bd/rssi : msg.payload : string[3]
2/5/2020, 5:16:12 PMnode: 3ff089d7.fdc376
/ble/advertise/da:3e:fe:f9:4f:cc : msg.payload : string[53]
2/5/2020, 5:16:12 PMnode: 3ff089d7.fdc376
/ble/advertise/da:3e:fe:f9:4f:cc/rssi : msg.payload : string[3]
2/5/2020, 5:16:13 PMnode: 3ff089d7.fdc376
/ble/advertise/f8:6d:ac:a3:79:bd : msg.payload : string[53]
2/5/2020, 5:16:14 PMnode: 3ff089d7.fdc376
/ble/advertise/f8:6d:ac:a3:79:bd/rssi : msg.payload : string[3]
"-62" -
• #15
I have both of them on now and apparently my Ridgid battery is near haha
• #16
'if you hold down button while inserting battery and let off after 1 second it does go from green to brighter green'
Again, is the flash process able to be started at this point? (post #11)
The brighter Green is indicative of the device needing to start the upload/flash process. It is in the correct mode, waiting for the Android device.
• #17
it appears i can go through the flash process again. which should i use?
my board is 1.0e -
• #18
While my version is still at 1v99 (don't own a suitable Android device or smart phone) that version is stable as I'm sure the rest are also. Haven't heard of issues prior to 2v04 (or even 2v04 until now)
• #19
well ive tried 2v04 and 2v03.
• #20
Is the suggestion then, that after flashing and then popping the battery out, and then re-inserting, that the Red LED never flashes showing the boot process starting?
• #21
that is correct
only way to get any light to come on now is to push the button once and bright green light comes on. -
• #22
I'm about out of ideas, and really short on time, but could you outline for others the steps/sequence exactly as the battery is inserted after the flash process.
I've never seen/heard of a state where no LED(s) illuminate, but until the button is pressed.
It may not be relavant, but where\distributor was the purchase made, and when\date time frame? (to isolate battery age, Espruino version flashed and possible unlikely hardware changes) -
• #23
Adafruits Website 2 day shipping received today.
• #24
Thank you @user109289 for posting the logs and the steps taken.
I'm sure it is frustrating, not being able to move forward, but there is an answer. I just don't have enough experience for the next steps.
Be patient, and someone with a greater knowledge base and understanding should be able to get to the root of this.
In the mean time, while not a Puck, get started with some programming using the emulator on the Bangle. Just came across this '8-Ball' demo another individual is working on. Runs in the browser.Launch link at:
• #25
thank you very much for trying
Hello, I received two puck.js today and the website said it's best to update the firmware when you get them.
I used my Galaxy s9+ and downloaded the nrf toolbox.
Held the button while powering the puck.js on briefly and green light turned brighter as described.
I went and downloaded the latest firmware 2v04 and went through the process of uploading. Puck light went from bright green to blue during the upload process.
All seemed well, got to 100% and the puck.js blue light went off and the nrf toolbox showed failed/puck disconnected.
After this nothing works except when you push the button on the puck.js it now just glows bright green when you push the button. If you take battery out and hold button while inserting battery it just stays green no matter how long you hold button. Search only finds "DfuTarg" now. If you take battery out and put back in and don't touch button, you find nothing on search from any device.