RAK5010 NB-IoT Tracker #7524
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Posted at 2019-10-02 by @gfwilliams Not at the moment, no. But maybe if you ask RAK they might consider supporting a port of Espruino for it :) Posted at 2020-01-06 by pierrebaz Hi @gfwilliams, Any news regarding the official support of the RAK5010 please? At the moment the Arduino support is not full and I would be pleased to give Espruino a try. RAK told me you might release it soon: https://forum.rakwireless.com/t/native-espruino-support/1030/7 Thanks :) Posted at 2020-01-07 by @gfwilliams Yes - I had a chat with RAK in December and I will be adding support - and I have some devices sitting here. I'm just waiting for things to calm down so I can do the port :) Posted at 2020-01-07 by pierrebaz Great, thank you for your hard work, I guess having many devices waiting to be ported sounds like a success for Espruino :) Posted at 2020-01-26 by pierrebaz Hi @gfwilliams, any update regarding the RAK5010 please? Posted at 2020-01-26 by sebi Just a naive question: why not choosing an Ai-Thinker A9G-based development board rather than the RAK5010, as it is so much cheaper ($7-$8) and has basically the same specs? Is it because the RAK5010 development board is equipped with a nRF52 thus making the port easier? (Actually this makes a lot of sense.) There are ports of Micropython to the A9G development board (the manufacturer official one and an advanced port which is well maintained), so it might be worth investing this board as an alternative... Posted at 2020-01-26 by pierrebaz Thanks @SEBI for introducing this cheap board, unfortunately I'm looking for LTE-M / NB-IOT bands as GPRS will be gradually disabled in the coming years. Also, having a chip that handles TLS & MQTT protocols is very important when you track valuable assets. I agree RAK is expensive... probably because there is no cheaper alternative with a Quectel BG96. Posted at 2020-01-27 by @gfwilliams Hi! I'm afraid I'm still a bit too busy to find time to get the port done, but I'd hope that it would be finished in the next month or so. Posted at 2020-01-27 by pierrebaz Thank you @gfwilliams for the update! Posted at 2020-04-09 by jonreid Any update on the timeline for this ? The RAK8212 does not seem to be able to be ordered at the moment Posted at 2020-04-09 by pierrebaz Still waiting! looking forward testing Espruino with this board ;) Posted at 2020-04-09 by @gfwilliams Sorry - it's on my list, but it won't happen for a few weeks. I've been really busy with Bangle.js support and shipping and not much else is getting done :( Posted at 2020-04-09 by jonreid All good ! My son is enjoying his Bangle.js - turned up 2 days before his birthday which was fantastic Posted at 2020-04-21 by LorenzoG Hello Gordon,
Now I'm trying to adapt that firmware to run it on the Rak5010 by using the Rak8212 firmware but changing only the pins values because the two schematic seem to be similar .
in place of
The bluetooth functions are working perfectly despite the nordic chip differences. Posted at 2020-04-21 by @gfwilliams Hi - that sounds great! Yes, I think the best bet would be to just create your own copy of https://github.com/espruino/Espruino/blob/master/libs/js/rak/RAK8212.js but with the changed pin names. Then when you build the firmware it should include all the new code. BG96 was built into the 8212 so it should 'just work' on the Rak5010 as well. I'll try and look into a build today though. Posted at 2020-04-21 by @gfwilliams Just looking at this now - could be the RTS/CTS pins if the BG96 isn't going? Posted at 2020-04-21 by LorenzoG I'm trying this values:
instead of
But I'm not sure they are correct Posted at 2020-04-21 by LorenzoG I noticed that the LED1 has the same old pin value but now I have to reset() it to switch on and set() to switch off. Posted at 2020-04-21 by @gfwilliams Looks like there are actually a bunch of other pins connected on the BG96. Maybe the pin states on those need changing to what they were hard-wired to previously? Do you have the files you're currently using for your RAK5010 port online somewhere? Posted at 2020-04-21 by LorenzoG Do you mean the RAK8212.js file or the entire project? Attachments: Posted at 2020-04-21 by @gfwilliams The files you're using to build the actual version of Espruino to run on the RAK5010 - or are you using a standard build of some kind? Posted at 2020-04-21 by LorenzoG I'm using the standard build espruino_2v04_RAK8212.hex then I changed the pins values into the RAK8212.js and the lis3dh reference Posted at 2020-04-21 by pierrebaz It feels good to see you are about to release the RAK5010 board @gfwilliams! Can't wait to play with it! Posted at 2020-04-21 by @gfwilliams Seriously - this one? https://store.rakwireless.com/products/rak5010-nb-iot-tracker I'm amazed that the RAK8212 firmware works - it's for a different microcontroller! Posted at 2020-04-21 by pierrebaz Yes that's the RAK5010, did you fork the RAK8212 board easily? will it be released officially? Posted at 2020-04-21 by @gfwilliams Yes, I'll be doing an official port. Actually doing it properly is a bit more involved - because it's using the nRF52840 instead there's a bunch more RAM & Flash available (and USB) which I'd like to be able to expose. Posted at 2020-04-22 by LorenzoG Yes, I just flashed the .hex file and it worked except for the BG96 module. Posted at 2020-04-27 by LorenzoG Hi Gordon, Posted at 2020-04-27 by LorenzoG I solved by using the poke32 to set/clear the P1.07 pin like this:
But the gps response was always:
The http get request always returns:
Posted at 2020-04-30 by LorenzoG The BG96 issue is solved by switching the RX and TX pins within Serial setup:
Now the BG96 get GPS positions and the http get request works on Rak5010! Posted at 2020-05-04 by pierrebaz Great, can't wait to do my project with Espruino, seems to be much straithforward than Arduino... Posted at 2020-05-14 by jonreid @gfwilliams any update on when you might get to having a look at this build ? Realise you are juggling a lot, just interested in an updated ETA I have a rak5010 sitting here ready to go ! Posted at 2020-05-15 by @gfwilliams Thanks - I'm a bit busy right now. Maybe next week, but I'm not sure. Basically the nRF52840 build didn't boot up on it so I need to figure out what the issue is. Once that's done things should progress quite nicely. But even if you used @lorenzog's solution I guess you could transition to a proper build pretty easily when it became available. Posted at 2020-05-16 by jonreid Its ok right now as I also have a rak8212 which I am currently developing on - but having access to more flash/ram will help with new features I need to add. Will the Flash module have access to more space ? We currently use that for our logging data. Posted at 2020-06-09 by jonreid Hi @gfwilliams just another little check in for an ETA update ? I see that the nrf52840 has 2x UART, will those both be available ? Will be really useful to be able to debug BLE comms whie one serial port is allocated to the BG96 Thanks Posted at 2020-06-09 by @gfwilliams Hi - things are calming down a bit here, so I'm looking at this now. And yes, you'll get 2 UARTs :) Posted at 2020-06-09 by @gfwilliams Ok, I have something more or less working. See the attached - I'll have to get back to this later though. Accelerometer/opto/gsm access. No USB yet though as for some reason that's not working. You should have access to the on-chip flash, of which there is more. I'll see about the SPI flash - if it's easy, otherwise there is a JS module for it Attachments: Posted at 2020-06-09 by @gfwilliams Branch here if you need it https://github.com/espruino/Espruino/tree/RAK5010 Posted at 2020-06-10 by jonreid @gfwilliams thanks so much ! I have it up and running. The number of variables needs bumping up for extended RAM, will let you know what else I find Posted at 2020-06-10 by @gfwilliams
Yes, thanks - that was just while testing, I'll get that raised :) Posted at 2020-06-10 by jonreid Is the flash_code_start in the correct place at 966656 ? On the MDBT42 I use the space between flash_binary_end and flash_code_start for the "flash" module for word level logging. But I dont want to end up going up into where the Storage module is putting things ? Posted at 2020-06-10 by @gfwilliams
Yes, that sounds about right. On newer builds I'm increasing the flash though, so that'll change - but if you go before There's also a dedicated 8MB flash chip which I'd hoped would be compatible with http://www.espruino.com/W25, but sadly I'm not having any luck with that so will leave it for someone else with more time :) Posted at 2020-06-10 by @gfwilliams Ahh. I'm not having success with the SPI flash because it's not installed! Posted at 2020-06-10 by jonreid nrf52840 has so much flash, would be good to have more allocated to Storage region, as that would be good place to store remote software updates Posted at 2020-06-10 by @gfwilliams Right now I bumped it to 80k, but it could easily be substantially more Posted at 2020-06-10 by @gfwilliams Ok, just merged in - so you should start to see Travis 'cutting edge' builds now Posted at 2020-06-12 by jonreid @gfwilliams I am having problems with the BG96 not accepting some AT commands eg AT+CFUN=1 and AT+CFUN? returns 5 which is not even a documented state. It seems like it is in some non-active state. I wondered if it is in airplane mode (LTE_WDISABLE pin) - had a quick look but that seemed OK. Did you manage to check if the BG96 was actually working ? I am just not sure if my BG96 has an issue or whether some of the signals from nrf are not in the correct state ? Posted at 2020-06-12 by @gfwilliams I didn't, no. I did the modem testing bit, but that was it: http://www.espruino.com/RAK5010#modem-testing There's W_DISABLE, which seems to be an airplane mode. You could try that? The default should be enabled though. Also looks like GPS_EN might need modifying for GPS... Posted at 2020-06-14 by jonreid OK it looks like my BG96 got shipped to me still in a factory test mode - so once I got out of that things are working again ! Posted at 2020-06-15 by jonreid @gfwilliams but I am now having an issue where I am getting BLE error 0x6 and BLE error 0x8 with setScan() ? This is the same code I am running fine on nrf52832 hardware. Any thoughts ? Posted at 2020-06-23 by @gfwilliams Ok. Recent commit should have fixed that - Nordic made some big changes to advertising in their SDK15 Posted at 2020-06-24 by AkosLukacs Looks like it's working! Posted at 2020-06-25 by @gfwilliams Honestly, right now I'll settle with just having an nRF52840 port working reliably. It looks like adding support for long range advertisements via setScan is pretty easy, but I'm unsure about connections themselves. If/when there's a nRF52840-based Espruino I imagine things will improve pretty quickly, but right now it's hard to justify much development time on. Posted at 2020-06-25 by AkosLukacs :( but totally understandable. Thanks! Posted at 2020-06-27 by jonreid Excellent news, I have loaded the latest hex and my app is running. The only thing I am noticing at the moment is that I am getting occasional UART_OVERFLOW errors with serial to the BG96 and so commands are getting corrupted Posted at 2020-06-29 by @gfwilliams That's interesting - thanks! That's a tricky one. Is it more prevalent than on the nRF52832 RAK trackers? The UART code should be identical I believe. Perhaps it would be possible to tell the BG96 to operate at a lower baud rate? Posted at 2020-11-06 by user104454
function test(){ setWatch(test, D16, {repeat:true, edge:"rising", debounce:0}); What I'm doing wrong ? Any help/suggestion appreciated from You Sir. Thanks. Posted at 2020-11-06 by @gfwilliams Hi, What you're doing looks ok. Are you definitely using the RAK5010? And with the latest firmware? Pin D16 isn't brought out to any IO pins on the edge, it appears to be connected to the interrupt line of one of the sensors, so to use it you'd need to first configure the sensor to be on and output an IRQ signal, and you may even need to put the pin into pullup state. |
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Posted at 2019-10-01 by peruperu
Support for the new device in subject is planned?
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