• #2
http://www.espruino.com/EspruinoESP8266 for diagram
Google image search for esp8266 pinout for many many pinout diagrams that show the GPIO numbers, including ones that show them right next to the NodeMCU pin numbers. Espruino uses the GPIO number for the pins, ie, digitalWrite(D15,1) will write GPIO15 high. You can just pass the number to digitalWrite() too.http://www.espruino.com/Reference#NodeMCU for a class to do the conversions for you.
In Espruino, on the ESP8266, there's only one analog input. analogRead() reads from that input regardless of what argument you pass it.
I have no idea what the NodeMCU people were thinking when they decided to renumber the pins. They also decided on Lua, so I'm not sure they were of sound mind in general.
But other Ping where i get diagram ?