• I hope this doesn't mean what it says? This is very annoying.

    Windows 8.1 64 Bit
    Chrome 35.0.1916.153 m (no beta)
    Espruino 1v70 BigRam 2250 JSVARS
    Web-IDE v 46
    Board: Espruino v 1.3

  • I guess you've turned on minification? Try turning it off.

    My guess is the error message is from Google, who supply the online minifier.

  • I can't, it will put me over the JSVARS limit of 2250. "Out of memory"

    If you are depending on Google, who changes their mind every 5 seconds, then you are
    putting the Espruino users between a rock and a hard place.

  • v70 bigram should have 3250 jsvars, not 2250. Which file did you flash? I'll investigate.

    But that's besides the point.

    I'm... shocked that the WebIDE relies on an online service to minify the code - especially one that can decide to stop working because you're using it too much. That's awful.

  • I use the closure compiler service because that's what I use for the modules (and it does a good job, including constant folding). Hence, if you make a module, minify it and it works, you can be sure that if you send a pull request with it, it'll still work.

    I've never hit any issues with it (and with restrictions on its use) - but then when you're minifying each time you send to Espruino I guess you use it an order of magnitude more.

    The code for the specific bit of the Web IDE is here: https://github.com/espruino/EspruinoWebI­DE/blob/master/js/plugins/minify.js

    Pull requests welcome if someone wants to include an offline minifier :)

    It may be non-trivial with some minifiers though as you can't use eval from within a Chrome Web App - and some of them rely on it.

  • v70 bigram should have 3250 jsvars, not 2250. Which file did you
    flash? I'll investigate.

    @DrAzzy - not to worry but "no offense" I could never make BigRam work consistently with my application. I used Gordon's v70 on Github for 2250 JSVARs.

    I'm... shocked that the WebIDE relies on an online service to minify
    the code - especially one that can decide to stop working because
    you're using it too much. That's awful.

    Make that two.

  • Oooh yeah, you were the one who got the board that refused to work with Bigram (you did say in OP you were using bigram, so that's why I asked).

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New-Bee error message: Too many compiles - try back later ?

Posted by Avatar for user7114 @user7114
