I currently having it working on a PIC16F1825 along with code to read FAT16 on an SD card, which is only 14kB of RAM, so I was kind of assuming that the Espruino would be able to cope as it's got a much more powerful MCU...
If it was possible to essentially add the following pseudo code, I'm pretty sure it would work!
var fs = require('fs');
var filePointer = fs.loadFile('filename.raw'); // Does not load the file, simply keeps reference to the file.
var data = filePointer.readByte(0); // reads the first byte
data = filePointer.readByte(24); //skips 24 bytes, reads 1 more byte
// or readBytes(skip, take); but 1 byte at a time is how my current code works
Is the problem with how your JavaScript handler is relaying the commands to the MCU, or what's the actual issue? Maybe I can help and send pull some pull requests?
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
I currently having it working on a PIC16F1825 along with code to read FAT16 on an SD card, which is only 14kB of RAM, so I was kind of assuming that the Espruino would be able to cope as it's got a much more powerful MCU...
If it was possible to essentially add the following pseudo code, I'm pretty sure it would work!
Is the problem with how your JavaScript handler is relaying the commands to the MCU, or what's the actual issue? Maybe I can help and send pull some pull requests?