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  • If I had the version used internally, I am sure this would work fine. According to these instructions , and based on the errors I am getting, there are some stubs needed to make this work.

    It is entirely possible that I don't have something configured correctly in my makefile, but I have attempted to follow all of the instructions on the tutorial for building the code. It works fine as a native osx build, but not cross.

    All of the gcc-arm-none-eabi versions I have tried from 4.6.2 to 4.8.1 don't work or at least not with the makefile that I have from github. I have added the GNU Arm Tools version 4.7.4 to my list of non-working versions at present.

    I can add these additional stubs and make it work, I am just wondering if I need to, or if this is an indication of a code/configuration problem. It should be noted that I have not altered the base code in any way yet. Straight from github it wont build on osx with those compilers or this makefile.

    Has anyone succeeded in building a version of the Espruino software as-is from github for their version 1.3 device?
    If so, what compiler and version did you use?


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