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  • I am starting a project using a WIFI module and the node style server. Essentially this project is a proof of concept for some other things I want to try out. Here are the details:

    I am building a web interface to drive around an RC car in our office. Essentially you will be driving the car from your browser. The board is connected to a LIPO battery and has the WIFI module installed. I can serve the page in the browser and control the car. The problem I am running into is that unless you can actually see the car you don't know what the controls are doing. For this reason I want to add a camera to the board. I am having some difficulty with this portion, however. I don't know which module to buy or how I should connect it to the board/webpage. I assume that I will have to stream the video somehow but I'm not sure where to start. I have been looking at the OV7670 Camera module for Arduino, but I don't want to buy it unless it will work.

    Do any of you have any insight? I am not expecting you to write the code for me, I just need a place to start! I realize that the Espruino may not be capable of full frame streaming, but I would be willing to purchase something else to make this happen.

    Thanks for you help!


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