At first I mistalkenly thought it had just broken the solder joints, and tried to re-solder. This turned out to be a fatal mistake, as the solder is now inside the connector, so the USB cable won't fit. I should have known, I shouldn't have handled it so roughly - I was aware of the connector's weakness - but I was careless, i was just doing a quick test, I can make a million excuses, but the fact is, I fucked up.
Just venting. I can't even get my second espruino, because I'm on vacation. Brought a big suitcase of electronics parts, but never imagined I'd ruin the espruino!
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
At first I mistalkenly thought it had just broken the solder joints, and tried to re-solder. This turned out to be a fatal mistake, as the solder is now inside the connector, so the USB cable won't fit. I should have known, I shouldn't have handled it so roughly - I was aware of the connector's weakness - but I was careless, i was just doing a quick test, I can make a million excuses, but the fact is, I fucked up.
Just venting. I can't even get my second espruino, because I'm on vacation. Brought a big suitcase of electronics parts, but never imagined I'd ruin the espruino!