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  • Thanks Gordon that's a huge help.

    I did manage to get to a reasonable point by logging temperatures to an array. That was until the array got too large and crashed the Espruino! So now when I get to the max array size I 'unshift' the first value off the array.

    Mode appears to work better than median. I will investigate further using your post above.

    The noise may be down to the thermistor I am using. I'm using a 10K thermistor with a 10K resistor as the divider all on a small board next to the Espruino.

    To test the readings I was using a 10K resistor in place of the thermistor so in theory I should be reading bang on 25°C but it was fluctuating around too much.

    The response doesn't need to be super fast so I think some sort of array and average should work okay.


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