as we have got a newborn, I've turned the Espruino in a intelligent temperatur sensor, which monitors the Babies temperature. If it exceeds a value of 37.5 degree Celsius, a visual and acoustic warning signal starts and helps the parents to prevent the baby from overheating.
The tutrial is in German, but on the side, a translation function is integrated:
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Hi everyone,
as we have got a newborn, I've turned the Espruino in a intelligent temperatur sensor, which monitors the Babies temperature. If it exceeds a value of 37.5 degree Celsius, a visual and acoustic warning signal starts and helps the parents to prevent the baby from overheating.
The tutrial is in German, but on the side, a translation function is integrated:
I hope, that this is useful for others here.