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  • I've been able to build images. But I don't seem to be able to get it to work with the whole 2600 memory units that I should be able to (Right? 1800 + 16K/20 = 1800+800=2600)

    I've changed and Makefile to use the other compiler flag, and to say that the Espruino Board has 64k ram 512k flash and uses the D spec chip.

    At 1800 it's fine (of course)
    2000 works
    2200 works
    2300 does not work
    2400 does not work
    2600 does not work.
    Ones that "do not work" flash successfully, and I can connect to them, but the interpreter is inert. Usually it prints the first =undefined, but then nothing else.

    If anyone else is interested, they are here:

    Based on a github pull from a saturday night iirc.


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