• #2
As i understand it the Espruino doesn't multitask all watches, intervals and timeouts happen one after another. I encounter this when i tried to do a watch on a button when i made an infinite loop, woops. Somthing like this wouldn't work.
setWatch(function(){console.log("test");}, BTN1, {repeat:true,edge:"rising", debounce:1/*ms*/}); while(1){ }
• #3
You don't have to to anything like that.
watches/timeouts/intervals do not interrupt other code that is running when the timeout/interval happens or the watched pin changes - they get queued up, and run after the other code is done.
• #4
Many thanks, that's perfect.
Hi Gordon,
Do i have to protect my function from calling twice in "parallel" ?
Let say i have a function that talks over an uart to a device. The communcation must happen in series and never parallel.
I call this function by setInterval/setTimeout and with setWatch. The protection is easy, i can set a variable inside the function at the beginning and clear it at the end ant checking for that.
I just want to know if it can happen.