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  • Right, sorted! Thanks DrAzzy!

    I incorrectly labelled my JST connector above "Green > Green, White > White" was in fact "Green > Black, White to White" as apparently the JST connector on the WS2811 is different than the JST connector on the WS2812B

    When I had the WS2811 working, I had Green out of B15, White out of GND which then correctly went into Green and White wires.

    When I picked up the WS2812B I thought the only difference needed to be unhooking the JST connector and changing the power input.

    I was wrong!

    I've now swapped GND and B15's Green and White wires around and they are working as expected.

    Looking at the LEDs in detail I can also see the tiny caps between them.

    My LiPo battery arrived as mentioned in the other thread and works perfectly by the way, so now I've got my PIR, LED strip and battery powered espruino all working as I expect, the next step is to make it efficient so it can run on batteries for most of the year, hurrah! :-)


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