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  • Sorry but "Put 0.1uf capacitor between ground and power right next to each LED." isn't overly clear to me but I am a complete newbie so I am a little afraid to 'wing it' without checking with someone who knows what they are on about first :-) By "Each LED" we are talking about LED Strip rather than individual LED right?

    I've got Ground (White) and Data (Green) from the Espruino to the WS2812B (waterproof), and Power (Red) and Ground (Black) from a 5V power supply. The espruino is going into the JST socket (Green > Green, White > White) which then meets up with Ground (Black) and Power (Red) in a sealed section at the end of the WS2812B but turns 4 wires into 3 connections: GND (Black), Din (Resistor but then white), 5V (Red)

    I would have guessed the proposed solution it to stick a 0.1uf between the 5V and GND lines on the end of the WS2812B but a)I can't it's sealed b)given I can't do it at the LED end, if I did it at the end of the wires where the power supply came in, that would create a short circuit, no? Obviously given these are sensitive components I don't want to blow anything up

    I've actually got the WS2811 LEDs that came with the espruino kit and they are working fine without this, I did try to plug these WS2812Bs into the end of the WS2811s but nothing happened other than the initial flicker that happens when the LED strips get a bit of power but they are powered from the wall rather than battery so it'll be the same issue no doubt!


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