I'm not sure what the issue is with this module(MPU 6050), but it only works when using the web IDE using Minification; specifically "Closure(online) - Simple Optimizations" , It fails when using Esprima (offline) or any other minification.
I'm currently trying to use this module on a Pico that was just updated to the latest firmware (2v25)
I have a working mpu6050 and I can get it to function under these very strict circumstances, but it feels like a kludge.
I'm just wondering why it would only work under such specific circumstances, is there anything that could be done to make the module more reliable?
This is not a huge concern but I'm wondering if there are some obvious reasons this module would behave this way.
I2C1.setup({scl:B6, sda:B7, bitrate:100000});
const MPU = require("MPU6050").connect(I2C1);
// 2nd parameter is the fifoRate. The DMP output frequency = 200Hz / (1 + fifoRate)
const DMP = require("MPU6050_DMP").create(MPU, 1);
function pidLoop(args) {
if (digitalRead(B5)) {
var data = DMP.getData();
if(data !== undefined) console.log(DMP.getYawPitchRoll(data));
I get this error :
Uncaught SyntaxError: Got '!' expected ','
at line 1 col 2110
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
I'm not sure what the issue is with this module(MPU 6050), but it only works when using the web IDE using Minification; specifically "Closure(online) - Simple Optimizations" , It fails when using Esprima (offline) or any other minification.
I'm currently trying to use this module on a Pico that was just updated to the latest firmware (2v25)
I have a working mpu6050 and I can get it to function under these very strict circumstances, but it feels like a kludge.
I'm just wondering why it would only work under such specific circumstances, is there anything that could be done to make the module more reliable?
This is not a huge concern but I'm wondering if there are some obvious reasons this module would behave this way.
I get this error :
Uncaught SyntaxError: Got '!' expected ','
at line 1 col 2110