. Is there any library (preferably in C or C#) that offers BLE connection and data transmission?
That depends on operating system. For Windows 10 and up there is c# api, check *.cs sources of this project
I managed to fork it, do some changes and rebuild it in Visual Studio and it worked pretty well.It uses this nuget https://www.nuget.org/packages/DirectWindowsWinmd.Net that makes the API available
EDIT: Or for c/c++ check Noble WinRT implementation https://github.com/Timeular/noble-winrt - it is using same API from C++
Hi there!
I have a question about how to get the raw heart rate data stored on a PC and without using the web interface. Is there any library (preferably in C or C#) that offers BLE connection and data transmission?
We are doing research in a university and want to integrate the heart rate data into a rehab videogame.
All kinds of hints are welcome!